1. Displaying the necklace of her devotion
She bows in obedience to her priests
١. ومظهِرةٍ عَقْدَ هِمْيانِها
تَدِينُ بطاعةِ رُهبْانِها
2. She appeared to us one day at the monastery of Qusayr
Having aimed the arrow of her eyelids
٢. تراءت لنا يومَ دَيْرِ القُصَيْرِ
وقد فوّقَتْ سهمَ أجفانِها
3. When she had fulfilled the right of her offering
And performed the duty of her crucifix
٣. فلمّا قضت حَقَّ قُرْبانِها
وأدّت فريضةَ صُلْبانها
4. She glanced at us with a look that leads hearts
And wounds them before bodies
٤. رمتْنا بلحظٍ يقُدُّ القلوب
ويجرَحُها قبلَ أَبْدانِها
5. I have not seen such humiliation as hers
Nor such glory as her authority
٥. فلَم أَرَ ذُلاًّ كذُليِّ لها
ولم أَرَ عِزّاً كسُلْطانِها
6. Always beloved to souls
Even if her estrangement tears them apart
٦. محبَبة أبداً لِلنفوسِ
وإن قَطَّعَتْها بهجْرانها
7. Oh, by my father, the injustice of her favor upon me
And the excess of her tyranny over me
٧. ألا بأبي جَوْرُ إدلالِها
عليَّ وإفراطُ عُدْوَانها