
Time has expanded, yet its breadth cannot contain you,

توسع دهر لم يضق بك وسعه

1. Time has expanded, yet its breadth cannot contain you,
Though people of remembrance are less than you, and time itself.

١. توسَّعَ دَهْرٌ لم يَضق بك وُسْعُه
على أَنّ أهلَ الذكر دونك والدهر

2. Delay the eulogy, that I may say he is as though
And exalt him beyond what poetry can encompass.

٢. اُجِلّ مَعَدّاً أن أقولَ كأنه
وأُكْبِره عن أن يُحيطَ بهِ الشعر

3. They said the full moon borrows its light from the sun,
Had they but known, they would have said he is both sun and moon.

٣. وقالوا منَ الشمس انتضى البدرُ نورَه
ولو علِموا قالوا هو الشمس والبدر

4. Had they gauged his outpouring by the sea,
They would not have disputed that the sea depends on him.

٤. ولو أَنَّهُمْ بالبحر قاسوا نَوالَه
لما اختلفوا في أنّ نائِلَة البحر

5. Had a shower witnessed the incline of his right hand
When he is generous, it would not praise itself as rain.

٥. ولو عاين القَطْرُ انهِمالَ يمينِه
إذا جاد ما أَثْنَى على نفسِه القَطْر

6. Had he strategized in war,
The onslaught of white blades and spears would have been in vain.

٦. ولو أَنه في الحرب أَعْملَ رَأيَهُ
لما نفعتْ بيضُ الظُّبا والقنا السُمْر

7. When I tested mankind and recognized its elite,
I found none but you rise above the rest.

٧. ولمَّا بلوتُ الناس ثم انتهيتُه
حللتُ بمن يعلو به الخبَرَ الخُبْرُ

8. I see every land where you are not
To be darkness without dawn.

٨. أرى كلّ أَرضٍ لستَ فيها كأنها
عليَ ظلامٌ دامسٌ ماله فجر

9. Had your letter not relieved my heart's gloom,
Worry would have dominated my thoughts.

٩. ولو لم يُفرِّج عن فؤاديَ غُمَّةً
كتابُك لاستولى على مهجتي الفكر

10. Yet I am one who sees you in a state
Too lofty for praise, thanks or gratitude.

١٠. على أنني ممن يراك بحالةٍ
يُقَصِّر عنها المدحُ والحمدُ والشكرُ