1. Alas! Who will care for my soul and its wounds?
Who will tend to my tears as they flow?
١. ألا مَنْ لنفسي وأوصابِها
ومَن لدموعي وتَسْكابِها
2. When longing stirs love in the heart
And inflames it intensely in its coals
٢. إذا فزَّع الشوقُ حبَّ القلوبِ
كواها بشدّة تَلْهَابها
3. I was kept awake by lightning that lit up the darkness
And took away the kohl of my eyelids
٣. أرِقت لبرقٍ أضاء الدّجون
وأذهب حُلْكةَ أطنابِها
4. It moved about as the darkness spread
Tearing the flags of its clothes
٤. سَرى والدُّجنّة منشورةٌ
فمزّق أعلامَ أثوابها
5. As though the clouds with it were maidens
Yearning amidst their companions
٥. كأنّ السَّحاب به غادة
مُشَوَّقة بين أترابها
6. As though the lightning were swords of the clouds
When it shook them then cast them aside
٦. كأنّ البروقَ سيوفُ الغمام
إذا هزَّها ثم رامَى بها
7. And the pouring rain was like snarling
The roar of thunder in its outbursts
٧. ومُنْبَحسِ القَطْر مُثْعَنْجِرٍ
جهير الرَّواعد صخَّابها
8. As though its flashes in the night air
Were torches of its reveling throngs
٨. كأنّ يَعالِيله في الصَّبَا
نَشَاوى نواشِرُ أطرابِها
9. They quenched the thirst of the sand dunes
And cooled the heat of their hills
٩. سَقَيْن عِطاشَ مُتُون الرُّبا
وبرَّدْن غُلَّة أَقْرَابها
10. They revealed the expanse of the meadows
And spread the banners of their pastures
١٠. وأبدين تفويفَ بُسْط الرِّياض
ونشَّرن أعلامَ زِرْيابها
11. As though its rain pools in its corners
Were cheeks whose necklaces were unveiled
١١. كأنّ الشقيقَ بأرْجائها
خدودٌ ثَنَتْ عَقْد تنْقابِها
12. So it swayed upon an aching, bending bough
Graceful, with its tents and dwellings
١٢. فَعُوجا على أَرِجٍ مُونِقٍ
أنيقِ الدَّسَاكِر مِعْشابِها
13. Adorned between its valleys
And the fragrance of its earth and pools
١٣. نُعَلَّل ما بين حَوْذانِها
وطِيبِ ثراها ولَبْلابها
14. With a yellow that had matured not fully grown
Prolonged by the passage of its eras
١٤. بصفراء شابت ولم تَحْتَلِم
وأَنْحَلَها طولُ أحقابِها
15. Hospitality, when associated with it
Became a most sacred tradition
١٥. سُلاَفٌ إذا انتسبت للنَّديم
غدا الكَرْم أوكدَ أنسابِها
16. As though its water-bearers apportioned
The rays of the sun for its drinkers
١٦. كأن السُّقاةَ لها يَقْسِمون
شُعاعَ الشموش لشُرَّابها
17. A cloud wandering over us
As though the morning were amidst its clothes
١٧. تَطوف علينا بها غادةٌ
كأنّ الضُّحى بين أَثوابها
18. When it unleashes the magic of its eyes
Gesturing coquettishly with its glances
١٨. إذا سلّطت سحرَ أجفانها
دَلالاً أشارت بعُنَّابها
19. It beckoned to me, but I declined
The ways of the crazed and their manners
١٩. دعاني فلستُ بُمسْتحسِن
لطُرق المجُون وآدابها
20. Say to those Hashimites who strayed
Seeking to catch up with its people
٢٠. ألا قُلْ لمن ضلّ من هاشم
ورام اللُّحوق بأرْبابها
21. Are its centers like its edges?
Are its leaders like its stragglers?
٢١. أأوسَاطُها مثل أطرافها
أَأَرؤُسها مِثلُ أذنابها
22. Its Abbas like its Abu Harb,
Ali and the killer of its foes?
٢٢. أعبَّاسها كأبي حَرْبِها
عليٍّ وقاتِلِ نصَّابها
23. Its foremost believer in God
And first destroyer of its idols?
٢٣. وأوّلِها مؤمِناً بالإِله
وأوّلِ هادِم أَنْصابها
24. O clansmen of Hashim, you have ignored
So leave the honors to their people
٢٤. بني هاشمٍ قد تعامَيْتُمُ
فخلّوا المعالي لأصحابها
25. Your Abbas was the Prophet's sword
Whenever war bared its fang
٢٥. أعبّاسكم كان سيفَ النبيّ
إذا أبدت الحربُ عن نابها
26. Your Abbas at Badr was its protector
Shielding the regiments from its campaign
٢٦. أعبّاسكم كان قي بَدْره
يذود الكتائبَ عن غابها
27. Your Abbas, killer of the pagans
Openly, and seizer of its spoils
٢٧. أعبّاسكم قاتِل المشركين
جِهاراً ومالِك أَسْلابِها
28. Your Abbas, executor of the Prophet
And granter of gifts to its seekers
٢٨. أعبّاسكم كوصيّ النبيّ
ومُعْطي الرِّغاب لطُلاّبها
29. Your Abbas clarified ambiguities
And opened the locked gates of its doors
٢٩. أعبّاسكم شَرَح المُشْكلاتِ
وفَتَّح مُقْفَلَ أبوابها
30. I am surprised by one who commits treason
Devious in speech, a fabricator
٣٠. عجِبتُ لمرتَكِبٍ بَغْيَه
غَويِّ المقالة كذَّابها
31. Who composes the lies of his words
And perfects the choreography of his lies
٣١. يقول فَيْنظم زُورَ الكلام
ويُحْكِم تَنْميقَ إذهابها
32. You have sanctity, O sons of his daughter
But the sons of the uncle are more worthy of it
٣٢. لكم حرمةٌ يا بني بنْته
ولكن بنو العمّ أوْلى بها
33. And how can the paternal arrows
Belong to the sons of the uncle?
٣٣. وكيف يحوز سهامَ البنين
بنو العمِّ أفٍّ لغُصَّابها
34. Is this not what God revealed in His verses?
Do you turn blind to the detail of its explanation?
٣٤. بذا أنزل اللهُ آيَ القُرَان
أتَعْمَون عن نصّ إسهابها
35. Abdullah spoke wrongfully
And measured the steeds with its riders
٣٥. لقد جار في القول عبدُ الإله
وقاسَ المطايا بِركّابها
36. While we wore the clothes of the Prophet
You snatched away its robes
٣٦. ونحن لَبِسنا ثيابَ النبيّ
وأنتم جذَبْتم بِهُدَّابها
37. We are his sons and heirs
And the heirs are most entitled to it
٣٧. ونحن بنوه ووُرّاثه
وأهلُ الوِراثة أوْلى بها
38. The imamate belongs to us, not you
We have the greatest right to its mantle
٣٨. وفينا الإمامة لا فيكمُ
ونحن أحقُّ بجِلْبابها
39. What sons of an uncle have the likes
Of the Chaste One and her offspring?
٣٩. ومَنْ لكمُ يا بَني عمه
بمثل البَتُول وأَنجابِها
40. What uncles have the Prophet's successor
As a father they boasted of?
٤٠. وما لكُم كوصيّ النبيّ
أبٌ فتَرامَوْا بنُشّابها
41. Are we not the core of Hashim's clan
And your masters with genealogists?
٤١. ألَسْنا لُبابَ بني هاشمٍ
وساداتِكم عند نُسّابها
42. Did we not precede in its goals?
Did we not excel in its accounts?
٤٢. ألَسْنا سَبقْنا لغاياتها
أَلْسنا ذهبنا بأحسابها
43. Through us you prayed and sought rain
Rulers are not like their scribes
٤٣. بنا صُلْتُمُ وبنا طُلْتُمُ
وليس الولاة ككُتّابها
44. Do not ruin yourselves with lies
For that is most punishing for the spirit
٤٤. ولا تَسْفَهوا أنْفُساً بالكِذابِ
فذاك أشدُّ لإتعابها
45. You are like the rhyme scheme of pottery verses
While we are their eloquent composition
٤٥. فأنتم كَلحْن قوافي الفَخَار
ونحن غدَوْنا كإعرابها