
He did not utter "Alas!" for losing him, like one at ease saying "Alas!"

ما قال أوه لفقده واها

1. He did not utter "Alas!" for losing him, like one at ease saying "Alas!"
The soul complained of its nightingales

١. ما قال أَوَّهْ لفقده واهَا
كمستريحٍ لقوله آهَا

2. That ruined its calm and pretense
If they concealed his union, they did not

٢. تَبَرَّمُ النفِس من بلابلها
يُفْسد إقرارَها ودعواها

3. Conceal the phantoms of him and his memory from me
The house is far, yet it is near me

٣. إن يَحْجُبوا وصلَها فما حجبوا
عنِّي سُرَى طيفها وذكراها

4. Despite its distance and remoteness
In the beholder's heart is the image of her face

٤. بعيدةُ الدّار وهي دانيةٌ
منّي على بعدها ومَنْآها

5. And in the core of the heart is her dwelling
A virgin with her dress full

٥. في ناظر القلب شخصُ مَرْآها
وفي صميم الفؤاد مَثْوَاها

6. And for the slender, pliant one her elevation
The breeze lent its hue and her cheek

٦. غَرّاء للِّدعْصِ مِلءُ مِئْزَرِها
وللقضيب الرَّطيب أعلاها

7. And the nature of her glances and their meaning
If wine were not like her disposition

٧. أعارِت الراحَ لونَ وجنتها
وطَبْعَ ألحاظها ومعناها

8. In nature, it would not have intoxicated her companions
And a night whose beginning

٨. فالخمرُ لو لم تكن كمقلتها
في الطّبْع ما أسكرتْ نَدَامَاها

9. Resembled its end in merriment
I kiss the lightning from its curly hair

٩. وليلةٍ بتُّها على طَرَبٍ
آخِرُها مُشْبهٌ لأُولاها

10. And kiss the sun from her cheek
The wind gave me to drink while her cheek was the cup

١٠. أُقبِّل البرقَ من تَرائبها
وألْثَمُ الشمسَ من مُحيّاها

11. And her eyes were the glasses of glances
If she wanted to mingle, she would put

١١. سَقَتْنِيَ الرّاحَ وهي خدّاها
بأكؤس اللّحظ وهي عيناها

12. At the last glance, her mouth to my mouth
Oh she has mature coffee

١٢. إذا أرادت مزاجها جعلت
بآخر اللحظ في فمي فاها

13. And only her cheeks are its abode
Her lips are its grounds when blended for me

١٣. فيا لَها قهوةً معتّقةً
وليس إلاّ الخدودَ مأواها

14. And her kissing is its pouring when I am given to drink
She imagines herself the sun in her brilliance

١٤. حَبابُها الثَّغْرُ حين تُمْزَجُ لي
ونَقْلُها اللَّثْمُ حين أُسْقَاها

15. Rather, she imagines the suns are her
Ask the morning breeze and people about my nature

١٥. تخالُها الشمسَ في تَلأْلُئها
لا بل تخالُ الشموس إيّاها

16. And glory about my comfort and generosity
Do I not give sublimity its realities

١٦. سَل الصِّبا والأنامَ عن شِيَمي
والمجدَ عن راحتي وجَدْواها

17. Flowing from me, and let pleasures run their course?
If disasters march violently

١٧. ألستُ أُعطِي العُلاَ حقائقها
منّي وأُجرى اللّذّاتِ مُجْراها

18. I meet them, fearing not their aftermath
And the gazelles' eyes enchant me

١٨. وإن تَدِب الخُطوبُ جامحةً
لَقِيتُها لا أخاف عُقْباها

19. I weaken the slightest of them and make it thin
I am not pleased with things

١٩. ومن عيون الظِّبا تَسْحَرُني
أضعفُها لحظةً وأضناها

20. Unless I find favors pleasing them
And listen, with me is the subtlety

٢٠. ولستُ أَرضَى من الأمور بما
لا أجد المكَرْمُات ترضاها

21. Of every righteousness, its most hidden and concealed
I do not claim virtue before those below and above

٢١. واسمَعْ فعندي من كلّ صالحةٍ
ألطَفُ أسرارِها وأخفاها

22. Bear witness to it for me
I do not see myself as having a hand over a friend

٢٢. لا أدّعي الفضلَ قبل يشهدُ لي
به أداني الدُّنَا وأقصاها

23. That would ruin its grace with its blessings
Whoever chooses me with his love has from me

٢٣. ولا أرى لي على الصديق يداً
تُفْسِدُ إنعامَها بنُعماها

24. A hand like mountains though small
For God, our days that passed

٢٤. من أصطفاني بودّه فله
عندي يَدٌ كالجبال صُغراها

25. In the abode of Ankara what most beautiful of them!
The palace from the realm of kings to

٢٥. لله أيّامُنا التي سَلَفتْ
بدار حُزْوَى ما كان أحلاها

26. Its highest places, to its prayer house
You saved me from the heedlessness of youth

٢٦. فالقَصْرِ من صيرة الملوك إلى
أعلى رُباها إلى مُصلاّها

27. And glory from its dawn and morning
If a forbidden pleasure presented itself

٢٧. إذ نَجْتَنِي اللهو من أصائِلها
والعزَّ من فجرها ومَغْداها

28. Or a difficult scheme, we avoided it
Or if misfortunes assailed us, we screamed Your name

٢٨. إن عَرَضَتْ لذَّةٌ مَلكاها
أو صَعُبت خُطَّة حَوَيناها

29. A roaring in Your name, and You protected us
If we threw ourselves into dangers for pride

٢٩. أو يممَّتْنا تروم نُصْرتنا
صارخةٌ باسمنا حَميْناها

30. A copious flood burst forth, so we rose above them
The extinguisher of war whenever it blazed

٣٠. وإن رَمتْنا الخُطوبَ عن عُرُضٍ
فاضَ نزارٌ فَجلاّها

31. And the horseman of steeds when he encountered them
It is as though, out of fear of him,

٣١. المُطْفئ الحرب كلّما أضطرمتْ
وفارسُ الخيل حين يَلقاها

32. Time is adorned with wine or protected
He brought humility to stubborn kings, so they abandoned

٣٢. كأنّما الدهرُ من مخافته
يُعَلّ بالخَمر أو حُمَيّاها

33. Censuring his rule and supremacy
The capability of her Caesar fell short of him

٣٣. بذَّ الملوكَ الألى فغادَرها
تَذُمّ سلطانَها وعَلْياها

34. Beyond her Sapur and Kisra
Her Firuz and Rustam ran out

٣٤. قَصّر عنه اقتدارُ قيصرها
وجاز سَابُورَها وكِسْرَاها

35. And he excelled over her Jalandara
For every possession of the earth a like

٣٥. وفات فَيْرُوزَها ورُسْتَمَها
وزاد عزًّا على جُلُنْدَاها

36. And I do not see for the mighty any like him
I say, O King of Kings, but do not

٣٦. لكلّ مَلْكٍ من الورَى شَبَهٌ
وما أرى للعزيز أشْباها

37. Say in praising him the Khaqan of China
He sought and reached for the stars, undertaking

٣٧. أقول يا مالكَ الملوك ولا
أقول في مدحه شَهِنْشاها

38. With an ambition only his effort can attain
A soul whose dwelling is the sky

٣٨. سعى وطال النجومَ مَبتَدِئاً
بهمّةٍ يَستقلّ مَسْعاها

39. And ambition the whole world in its lowness
Time was too narrow for him when fate descended on it

٣٩. نفسٌ كأنّ السماءَ مسكنُها
وهِمّةٌ كالزمان أدناها

40. With the smallness of his sublimity, so what of its greatness?
A caliphate the time became employed in his service since his assumption of it

٤٠. لم يَسَعِ الدّهرُ حين حلّ به
صُغْرَى عُلاَه فكيف كُبْرَاها

41. It warns him from tyranny and commands him
And it cannot disobey him, so it deters him

٤١. خلافةٌ أصبح الزمانُ لها
مسْتخَدم السَّعْي مذ تولاّها

42. O King, the pottery boasts of him
From us over its life and death

٤٢. تَنْهاهُ عن بطشه وتأمرُه
وليس يَسْطِيعها فيَنْهاها

43. The kings derive the pride of their glory
When they see his glory and worldly possession

٤٣. يا مَلِيكاً يفخَر الفَخَارُ به
منَّا على حيّها ومَوْتاها

44. If his disposition manifested to them
They would not praise their own dispositions after it

٤٤. وتستقِلّ الملوك عِزّتَها
إذا رأتْ عزّة ودنياها

45. If anyone were to ask him for his sublimity, he would give it
He is not of those who break a promise, and if he gives generously he forgets it

٤٥. ولو تبدّت لها سجيّتُه
ما حمَدتْ بعده سَجَاياها

46. If rain fails its attainer
It fails its clouds and pouring

٤٦. لو أمَّهُ من عُفاته أحَدٌ
يقول هَبْ لي عُلاكَ أعطاها

47. The reconciler of two conditions, the unifier of
Opinions in his peace and provocation

٤٧. ليست بناسٍ لَوعْدِه وإذا
جاد بنُعماه فهو ينساها

48. The earth and servants submitted to him together
As did the beasts in its rugged and deserted places

٤٨. إن أخلف الغيثُ بات نائلهُ
يَخْلُف أنواءه وسُقْيَاها

49. He is the tongue of piety and its essence
He is the right hand of sublimity and its left

٤٩. مُفْترِقُ الحالتين مُجْتمِعُ ال
آراء في سَلْمها وهَيْجاها

50. Imagined from the essence of prophecy when
The world was clay and its water

٥٠. دانت له الأرضُ والعبادُ معاً
والوحشُ في وَعْرها وصحْرَاها

51. Whoever obeys him succeeds through his obedience
And whoever disobeys him has disobeyed God

٥١. فهو لسان التُّقَى ومقلتُه
وهو يمين العُلا ويُسَراها

52. Take it and with it outdo kings, for
No angel or boaster came up with it

٥٢. صُور من جوهر النبوّة إذ
كان الورى طينةً وأمواها

53. Especially from my brother, the protector
Who attained favors and eminence through it

٥٣. فَمنْ يُطِعْه يفُزْ بطاعته
ومن عصاه فقد عَصَى اللهَ

54. And this does not encompass Your hidden perfect traits
Except a tenth of a tenth of them

٥٤. خُذْها تُباهِي بها الملوكَ فما
جاء بها مالكٌ ولا بَاهَى

55. Your glory overwhelms praise, even if
The world were tongues and mouths

٥٥. لا سيّما من أخي مُحافَظةٍ
حاز بها المَكْرُماتِ والجاها

٥٦. هذا ولم تَحْوِ من مَناقبك الغرْ
رِ سوى بعض عُشْر أجزاها

٥٧. مجدك يَستغرِق الثناءَ ولو
كان الورى ألْسُناً وأفواها