
With his languid, drowsy eyes, my lover is delicate as a girl

ومعشوق اللمى خنث الجفون

1. With his languid, drowsy eyes, my lover is delicate as a girl
His promises are lies, his oaths mere pretense

١. ومعشوقِ الَّلمَى خنِثِ الجفونِ
كَذوب الوعد معتلِّ اليمينِ

2. Sickly his gaze, his nature effeminate
He seems to melt in luxury and softness

٢. مريض الطرفِ منخنِثِ السجايا
يكاد يذوب من ترفٍ ولِينِ

3. It's as if his glances sap my resolution
And his beauty restores my faith

٣. كأنّ لحاظَه فَتَكات عزمي
وصحْة حسنه تصحيح دِيني

4. He came to me in the dark, when houses are vague,
As if his stars were the blue of eyes

٤. أتاني والدّجى حَلِكُ المبَاني
كأنّ نجومَه زُرْقُ العيون

5. When he lifted the cup in his left hand
And made the flagon cling to his right

٥. فلمّا تَوَّج اليسرى بكأس
وصار الرطل قُرْطا لليمين

6. He gave me wine like his cheeks to sip
That melts the feathers of the timid gazelle

٦. سقاني مِثل خدّيه مُداماً
تُلين جوانحَ الظبي الحَرونِ

7. It was as if the wine were a jasmine blossom
Newly opened amid the dark leaves of the jasmine plant

٧. كأنّ الراح وَردةُ جُلَّنارٍ
تبدّت في غِلالَةِ ياسَمِينِ