
His complexion was colored the hue of kohl,

صبغته صبغة الحدق

1. His complexion was colored the hue of kohl,
A creation of the most beautiful physique.

١. صَبَغَتْهُ صِبْغَةَ الحَدَقِ
خِلْقَةٌ مِنْ أَحْسَن الخِلقِ

2. Like kohl smoothed into perfection
In a flushed cheek showing its sleek.

٢. فَهْوَ كالكُحْلِ المُمَكَّنِ مِن
وَجْنةٍ مُحْمَرَّةٍ يَقَقِ

3. A sapling, tender, without leaves,
In a mound not separated or peaked.

٣. غُصُنٌ غَضٌّ بلا ورقٍ
في كثِيبٍ غير مفترِقِ

4. And enough for me was his smile
Appearing suddenly from the dusk.

٤. وكفاني أن مَبْسِمَهُ
فَلَقٌ قد لاح من غَسَق

5. Babylonian in glance, in a wind-blown lock,
Pearl-like of mouth in an arrangement unique.

٥. بابليّ الطَّرفِ في دَعَج
لُؤْلُئِيّ الثَّغْرِ في نَسَقِ

6. If there be any flaw in his creation,
It is that his manners are most meek.

٦. إن يكن في خَلْقِه حَلَك
فهو فيه أَبْيَضُ الخُلُقِ

7. His glances stilled me, so I tossed
The heart of one passionately obsessed.

٧. سكنتْ ألحاظُه فرمت
قلبَ مَن يهواه بالقَلَقِ

8. He came watering around me persistently
In it the water flowed circle-linked.

٨. طاف يَسْقِينيِ مُشَعْشَعَةً
صاغ فيها الماءُ كالحَلَقِ

9. So his eve was restfulness for me
As if the stillness was from the glow of dusk.

٩. فكانَّ الليل راحتُه
وكأّنَّ الراحَ مِنْ شفَق