1. My aspirations soared in me before weaning,
And before attaining puberty and dreams.
١. هِمَمي أنافَتْ بي على الهِمَمِ
قَبلَ الفِطامِ ومَبلغ الحُلُمِ
2. My manners were predestined to be lofty,
Until I tread the stars of darkness.
٢. وسَمَا بقَدْري في العلا أدبي
حتى وَطِئتُ كواكبَ الظُّلَمِ
3. My hands praise me when I fall silent,
With their generosity, lighting my path.
٣. تُثني عليّ إذا سكتُّ يَدي
بسَماحِها وتُضيء لي شِيَمي
4. And if the noble fall short of nobility,
I remain a lover of generosity.
٤. وإذا الكرامُ جَفَوا تكرُّمَهم
لؤماً فإنّي عاشقٌ كَرَمي
5. For every virtuous act my hand stretches,
And for every glory my foot hastens,
٥. في كلّ صالحة مَدَدتُ يَدي
ولكلِّ مكرُمةٍ سعتْ قَدَمي
6. The least I know of my time
Is the ignorance of fools and the fall of the wise.
٦. وأقلُّ ما أَدْرِيه مِنْ زَمَني
رفعُ الجَهول وسَقْطةُ الفَهِمِ
7. So ask the turns of fate about my endurance,
And the mysteries of things about my understanding,
٧. فاسألْ خُطوبَ الدّهر عن جَلَدي
وغوامضَ الأشياء عن فَهَمي
8. Is anything but my patience the measure of mountains?
Is anything but my words rage?
٨. هل شُمُّ أطوادِ الجبال سِوَى
حِلْمي وهل عَضْبٌ سِوى كَلِمي
9. Glory is a branch whose origin is my nobility,
And fate is a spear whose point is my pen.
٩. والمجدُ فَرْعٌ أصلُه كَرَمي
والدهرُ رُمْحٌ سِنُّه قَلمي
10. The radiance of the sun derives from my brilliance,
And the days from my service.
١٠. والشمسُ من عِرضي تلأْلؤُها
بسَناه والأيَّامُ مِنْ خَدَمي
11. Never have I feared the onset of events,
For the lion fears not bounty.
١١. لم أَخْشَ قطُّ حُلولَ حادِثةٍ
والليثُ لا يَخْشَى من النَّعَم
12. I direct my generosity before being asked,
And send forth my actions before speaking.
١٢. وجّهتُ جُودي قبلَ مسألتي
وبعثتُ فِعلي قبل لفظِ فَمي
13. Only that I forbid violation of my honor,
And clarify the precedence of my distinction among nations.
١٣. لا غيرَ أنَّي مانعٌ شَرَفي
ومُبينُ فَضْلِ عُلايَ في الأُمم
14. So let the world and its inhabitants know
That through it I became great, not from greatness,
١٤. فلتَعلَم الدنيا وساكنهُا
أنِّي عَظُمتُ بها عن العِظَم
15. And my gifts cured people of deprivation,
And my words cured the deaf of deafness.
١٥. وشفى نوالي النَاس من عَدَمٍ
وَشفَى مَقالي الصُّمَّ مِن صَمَمِ
16. I sat elevated over their heads, at the peak of peaks,
Except for the Almighty, for He is a King,
١٦. وجلستُ من أملاكهم شَرَفا
فوق الرؤس وفي ذُرا القِمَمِ
17. Above whom all pride is blind.
My grandfather is the Prophet, illuminated,
١٧. إلاّ العزيزَ فإنّه مَلِكٌ
كلُّ افتخارٍ عن عُلاه عَمي
18. My father is the Victorious, bestower of bounty.
And I am the one whose loyalty witnessed for him
١٨. جدِّي النبيُّ المستضاءُ به
وأبي المعِزُّ مجلِّل النِّعَمِ
19. Sincerity in tribulation and in bounty.
I hope and fear a power and an eminence
١٩. وأَنا الّذي شَهِد الوفاءُ له
بالصِّدْقِ في لاءٍ وفي نَعَمِ
20. To be hoped for in my eminence, and its vengeance feared.
٢٠. أُرجَى وأُخْشَى سَطْوةً ونَدىً
يُرْجَى نَدَاي وتُتَّقى نِقَمي