
Rejoice that fasting is an obligation affirmed

ليهنك أن الصوم فرض مؤكد

1. Rejoice that fasting is an obligation affirmed
Imposed by Allah on every Muslim

١. لِيَهْنك أنّ الصومَ فرضٌ مؤكَّدٌ
من الله مفروضٌ على كلّ مسلمِ

2. And that you are imposed with love like it
Upon us in truth, not by delusion

٢. وأنَّك مفروضُ المحبّة مِثله
علينا بحقٍّ قلتُ لا بالتّوهّم

3. So congratulations, O you with whom Allah is pleased
Among people, every ritual act takes precedence

٣. فَهُنِّئْتَه يا مَنْ به الله قابِلٌ
من الخَلْق فيه كلَّ نُسْكٍ مقدَّمِ

4. And you remain victorious over the obligation of his fasting
And adhering to Allah from all prohibited

٤. ولا زلتَ منصوراً على فَرْض صَومِه
ومعتصِماً بالله من كلّ مَحرم

5. For you have supported justice, then spread it
And were rewarded with benevolence, the utmost generosity

٥. فأنتَ نصَرتَ العدلَ ثم نشرتَه
وجُزْت ببَذْل العُرْف حَدَّ التكّرم

6. And I am not pleased with that generosity at first
If you do not repeat it a second time and complete it

٦. ولست براضٍ بذلك الجُودَ أوّلاً
إذا لم تُعِدْه ثانياً وتتَمم

7. Until I saw your generosity, may it ransom you, speaking
And the glorious called you, though without mouth

٧. إلى أن رأيتَ الجودَ فَدّاك ناطقاً
ونادتْ بك العَلْياء وهي بلا فَمِ

8. And may Allah bless you, O you who transcended
With your state, the days beyond all vanishing

٨. وصلّى عليك اللهُ يا من تجاوزَتْ
بدولَته الأيّام عن كلّ مُعدِمِ