1. Good manners and politeness
Bear you witness of glory and nobility
١. شَهد الظِّرفُ والأدبْ
لك بالمجد والحسبْ
2. O brother of generosity whose
Wealth is there to be plundered
٢. يا شقيقَ النَّدى الذي
عنده المال يُنْتَهب
3. And to whom
Non-Arabs and Arabs have submitted their superiority
٣. والذي سلّمت له
فضلَها العُجْم والعَرَبْ
4. Verily, the best of generosity
Is that which precedes request
٤. إنّما الجود خيرُه
ما أتى يَسبِق الطَّلب