
I still long for a fire I lit for them both

ما زلت أشتاق نارا أوقدت لهما حتي

1. I still long for a fire I lit for them both
Until I thought the torment of fire had tormented them

١. ما زلت أشتاق ناراً أوقدت لهما
حتى ظننت عذاب النار قد عذبا

2. The smoke rises black from its flames
As if the veil of repentance had been torn off and taken away

٢. يعلو الدخان بسود من ذوائبها
قد عط فيها قناع التبر واستلبا

3. It was adorned with amber mixed with musk
And wore a necklace and was clothed in gold

٣. قد كللت عنبراً بالمسك ممتزجا
وطوقت جلناراً واكتست ذهبا

4. So light plays at its edges in delight
And wine thunders in its corners, trembling

٤. فالنور يلعب في أطرافها مرحاً
والخمر يرعد في اكنافها رهبا

5. Sparks flew from it, if they flowed with
Lightning or met a planet, they would have extinguished it

٥. وطارعنها شرار لو جرى معه
برق دنا أو تلقى كوكباً لكبا

6. If it were the time of scattering, it would have made it pearls
Or the time of triumph, it would have made it meteors

٦. لو كان وقت نثار خلته درراً
أو كان وقت انتصار خلته شهبا

7. And the night is naked, stripped of its clothes
Exuberant, having torn the clothes of darkness in rapture

٧. والليل عريان فيه من ملابسه
نشوان قد شق أثواب الدجى طربا

8. I swore by the eyelid, if it looked when it faded
It would have made my body parts its firewood

٨. أقسمت بالطرف لو أشرفت حين خبت
جعلت أنفس أعضائي لها حطبا