
We sent her to you as scattering thoughts

إليك بعثناها شوارد ضمنت معاين

1. We sent her to you as scattering thoughts
With meanings that without her poetry's honor would not be

١. إليك بعثناها شوارد ضمنت
معاين لولاها لما شرف الشعرُ

2. A bride, yet wed to a daughter of the intoxicating night
My mind is seduced by her intoxication

٢. عروساً ولكن زوجت بنت ليلة
مخدرة لكن فكري لها خدر

3. When my body says she is adorned in beauty
I tell it, no, her dowry is her dowry

٣. إذا قال جسمي تستحل بحلة
تقول له رجلاى بل مهرها مهر

4. So who could have her? Not melancholy, her color conquered it
Nor pallor, her blush and paleness she overtook

٤. فمن لي به لا الدهم فازت بلونه
ولا البرش حازت بردتيه ولا الصفر

5. Stars wane and the full moon, if they appear
She rises above with what she attained of her blondness

٥. كميت تذال الشهب والبلق إن بدا
وتسمو بما نالته من شبهه الشقر

6. It plunges when it meets blood like its hue
And no water but the water made verdant by immersion

٦. يخوض إذا لاقى دماً مثل لونه
ولا ماء إلا ماء رونقه الغمر

7. So its whiteness and cheeks delighted her
But above the rest she spilled the wine

٧. فغرته مبيضة وحجوله
ولكن اريقت فوق سائره الخمر

8. And I outpace those who returned to you and the poet
Whose rhymes are unmatched, unparalleled pearls

٨. وأسبق من عاف إليك وشاعر
قوافيه أفراد محجلة غر

9. So if he smelled the land of Persia, a Persian
By nightfall they would be Egypt to him, Egypt

٩. فلو شامه في ارض فارس فارس
لما امسيا الا ومصر له مصر

10. The offspring of a warrior whose horses he sires
Watered by blood, war smolders in them

١٠. نتاج فتى في الحرب تنتج خيله
وبالدم تسقى والنزال لها ضمر