
A bird of a single color in its dress,

ولابس لون واحد وهو طائر

1. A bird of a single color in its dress,
Fluttering its wings while perched aloft,

١. ولابس لون واحد وهو طائر
ملولة ابراده وهو واقعُ

2. Stuffed with pure musk in its breast pockets,
And black destinies in its folds concealed.

٢. أغر محشى الطلسان مدبج
وسود المنايا في حشاه دوائع

3. When it scratches the top of its head, it's as though
From its wings it releases treasures and gems.

٣. إذا حك أعلى راسه فكأنما
بسالفتيه من يديه جوامع

4. It fears harm yet believes none approaches,
And hides from comrades what it has crafted.

٤. يخاف أذاً ولا يؤمن مقبلا
ويخفي على الأقران ما هو صانع

5. It appeared in Persian garb, cinched at the waist,
Wearing a cloak, its familiar adornments.

٥. بدا فارسي الزي يعقد خصره
عليه قباء زينته الوشائع

6. So its pink collar brightly shines,
And its yellow skirt loudly rustles.

٦. فمعجره الوردي أحمر ناصع
ومئزره التبري أصفر قاقع

7. It returns the moans of the wounded dove, and restores

٧. يرجع الحان الغريض ومعبد