
The rain left its traces

أرتك يد الغيث آثارها

1. The rain left its traces
And the earth revealed its secrets

١. أَرتْكَ يَدُ الغَيْثِ آثَارَهَا
وَأَعْلَنَتْ الأَرْضُ أَسْرَارَهَا

2. It had concealed its interior
So it gave its March its hidden gems

٢. وَكَانَتْ أَكَنَّتْ لِكَانُونِهَا
خَبِيَّاً فَأَعْطَتْهُ آذَارَهَا

3. The eye falls on nothing but
Gardens classifying their lights

٣. فَمَا تَقَعُ العَيْنُ إِلاَّ عَلَى
رِيَاضٍ تُصَنِّفُ أَنْوَارَهَا

4. The morning breeze opens in them
Its shelters and rends their veils

٤. يُفَتِّحُ فِيْهَا نَسِيْمُ الصَّبَا
جَنَاهَا فَيَهْتِكُ أَسْتَارَهَا

5. And sheds in them the blood of the anemones
When it starts plucking their buds

٥. وَيَسْفَحُ فِيْهَا دِمَاءَ الشَّقِيْقِ
إِذَا ظَلَّ يَفْتَضُّ أَبْكَارَهَا

6. And brings some of it close to some
Like the gathering of loved ones and their visitors

٦. وَيُدْنِي إِلَى بَعْضِهَا بَعْضَهَا
كَضَمِّ الأَحِبَّةِ زُوَّارَهَا

7. As if their blossoming in the forenoon
Were virgins unfastening their buttons

٧. كَأَنَّ تَفْتُّحَهَا بِالضُّحَى
عَذَارَى تُحَلِّلُ أَزْرَارَهَا

8. Casting eyes down before their narcissi
And sometimes staring hard with their eyes

٨. تَغُضُّ لِنَرْجِسِهَا أَعْيُناً
وَطَوْرَاً تُحَدِّقُ أَبْصَارَهَا

9. When a water-skin poured its water
On a spot set ablaze with its fire

٩. إِذَا مُزْنَةٌ سَكَبَتْ مَاءَهَا
عَلَى بُقْعَةِ أَشْعَلَتْ نَارَهَا

10. No town has given its neighbor
The pleasures Haleb gave its neighbor

١٠. وَمَا أَمْتَعَتْ جَارَهَا بَلْدَةٌ
كَمَا أَمْتَعَتْ حَلَبٌ جَارَهَا

11. It is eternity gathering what it desires
So visit it - blessed is he who visited it

١١. هِيَ الخُلْدُ تَجْمَعُ مَا تَشْتَهِي
فَزُرْهَا فَطُوبَى لِمَنْ زَارَهَا

12. And God has months of spring there
When it perfumes its dawns

١٢. وَلِلَّهِ فِيْهَا شُهُورُ الرَّبِيْ
عِ حِيْنَ تُعَطِّرُ أَسْحَارَهَا

13. When the Pleiades seeks its aid
It aids it with its rain

١٣. إَذَا مَا استَمَدَّ قُوَيْقُ السَّمَاءِ
بِهَا فَأَمَدَّتْهُ أَمْطَارُهَا

14. And it starts composing its songs
With the abundance of water and its valleys

١٤. وَأَقْبَلَ يَنْظِمُ أَنْجَادَهَا
بِفَيْضِ المِيَاهِ وَأَغْوَارَهَا

15. Its orchards suckled a pearl
So it spread the light on its trees

١٥. وَأَرْضَعَ جَنَّاتِهَا دَرَّةُ
فَعَمَّمَ بِالنُّورِ أَشْجَارَهَا

16. And there circulated among its slopes
Forgetting old glories its blessing

١٦. وَدَارَ بِأكْنَافِهَا دَوْرَةً
تُنْسِّي الأَوَائِلَ بَرْكَارَهَا

17. As if the peaks had loved it
Or the palm stripped its walls

١٧. كَأَنَّ هَلُوكَاً حَبَتْهَا السِّوَا
رَ أَوْ سَلَبَ الكَفَّ أَسْوَارَهَا