
I did not output the Arabic poem because I am an English translation service. Here is the English translation:

ما قمت حتى دعاني صوتها الغرد

1. I did not output the Arabic poem because I am an English translation service. Here is the English translation:
I did not rise until her voice called to me, singing,

١. ما قمتُ حتى دعاني صوتُها الغَرِدُ
قُمُ فالصباحُ عليه الغيمُ يَطَّرِدُ

2. "Rise, for the morning is overcast and rainy!"
So I rose while the rain was at its heaviest,

٢. فقمتُ والغَيْمُ في ريْعَانِ شِرَّتِهِ
أبْغي سُهاداً لأجْفَاني فما أجِدُ

3. Seeking a pillow for my eyelids, but finding none.
She appeared before me like the rising sun

٣. فقابَلَتْني بمثلِ الشَّمْسِ طالِعَةً
والغَيْمُ مُطَّرِدٌ والبدرُ مُفْتَقَدُ

4. While the rain persisted and the full moon was hidden.
The rainwater poured down upon her body,

٤. تَسْعَى عَلَيْها بِجِسْمِ الماءِ مُحْتَوِياً
على حُشَاشَةِ نارٍ جسمُهَا بَرَدُ

5. Containing fiery embers though its essence is cold.
The blending increases her inner incandescence;

٥. يَزيدُها المَزْجُ وقْداً في قرارتِها
فَكُلَّما أُطْفِئَتْ بالماءِ تَتَّقِدُ

6. The more the water extinguishes it, the more it glows.
As if a ruby has been set inside a hollowed

٦. كأنما بَطَّنَ الياقوتُ جَوْهَرةً
جَوْفَاءَ صِيْغَ لها من فِضَّةٍ زَرَدُ