1. When hardship befalls my guests
I have delicacies like book covers
١. عِنْدي لأضْيَافي إذا اشتدَّ السَّغَبْ
قَطَائِفٌ مثلُ أَضَابيرِ الكُتُبْ
2. As though when he comes out from hiding
Like the cell of a bee, white and hollow
٢. كأنّهُ إذا تَبَدَّى من كَثَبْ
كَوَائِرُ النّحْلِ بَيَاضاً وثُقَبْ
3. Filled with almonds from what was drunk
And soaked from what years were spent therein
٣. قد مَجَّ دُهْنَ اللَّوْزِ مما قَدْ شَرِبْ
وابتَلَّ ممّا عامَ فيهِ وَرَسَبْ
4. And the rose water entered it and vanished
And disappeared into the sugar from us and was veiled
٤. وجاءَ ماءُ الوَرْدِ فيهِ وَذَهَبْ
وغابَ في السُّكَّرِ عَنّا واحْتَجَبْ
5. So it is layered upon it, layer over layer
Arranged like the pages of books
٥. فَهُوَ عَلَيْه حَبَبٌ فوق حَبَبْ
مدرّجٌ كَمِثْلِ تَدْرِيجُ الكُتُبْ
6. When one sees it and his heart flutters from it
Nothing is sweeter than to see him stealing it away
٦. إذا رآه والهُ القلب طَرِبْ
أَطْيَبُ منه أنْ أَرَاهُ يَنْتَهِبْ
7. Everyone finds their pleasure in what they love
٧. كل امرئٍ لذَّتْهُ فيمَا أَحَبْ