1. I wrote to you, yet no reply came from you,
And you returned, sealed, to my letter.
١. ها قد كَتَبْتُ فما رَدَدْتَ جَوابي
ورجعْتَ مَخْتوماً إلى كتابي
2. My messenger came to you wretched and complaining,
Of the harshness of the veil and the doorkeeper's roughness.
٢. وأتى رسولي مُستكيناً يشتكي
ذلَّ الحِجَابِ ونَخْوَةَ البوابِ
3. It was as if you had written back apologizing,
Yet you wronged me with blame and reproach.
٣. وكأنَّنَي بك قد كَتَبْتَ معذِّراً
فظلمتني بملامَةٍ وعِتابِ
4. Return to fairness and know that it
Befits the reasonable and the wise.
٤. فارجِعْ إلى الإنصاف واعلمْ أنَّه
أولى بذي الأَلْبَاب والأحسابِ
5. O God's mercy, which in the morning
Had been over people under the whip of punishment.
٥. يا رحمةَ اللَّهِ التي قد أصْبحتْ
دون الأنام على سوْط عذابِ
6. By my father and mother, you are of a refuge
For the lost travelers and the thinness of the paper.
٦. بأبي وأمي أنت من مستجمعٍ
تِيهَ القِيان ورِقَّةِ الكتابِ