1. Enmity has been provoked, and the envious have been enraged,
Yet your taking over command has delighted us.
١. لقَدْ ساءَ العِدا وشَجا الحَسُودا
وأبْهَجْنَا تقلُّدُكَ البَرِيْدَا
2. It is the task wherein you have become
A witness over all the workers.
٢. هُوَ العملُ الذي أصبَحْتَ فيهِ
على العمّالِ كُلَّهِمُ شَهِيْدَا
3. Among them is one whom you leave in infamy,
And another whom you leave in good repute,
٣. فمنهُمْ من تُغادِرُهُ ذَميماً
ومنهُمْ من تُغَادِرُهُ حَميدا
4. Counsels that have never ceased to be with fine opinion
By which much esteem and great benefit have been gained.
٤. نصائِحُ لم تزل بِجَمِيْلِ رأيٍ
بها وجَلِيْلِ قدْرٍ مُسْتَفِيْدَا
5. When the nobility are stirred by them
They sweep along with determination and distant vision.
٥. إذا ما الشاجِحَاتُ بها استُحِثَّتْ
طَوَتْ بالشِّدِّ والعَنَقِ البَعيْدَا
6. You see the angels listening to them
When they rouse the cheeks' dimples.
٦. تَرَى الأمْلاكَ مُصْغِيَةً إليها
إذا حَرَّكْنَ بالحلْق الخُدُودَا