
With melodies aplenty, you'd think

وكثيرة النغمات تحسبها

1. With melodies aplenty, you'd think
Each organ granted a voice

١. وَكَثِيْرَةِ النَّغَمَاتِ تَحْسَبُهَا
فِي كُلِّ عُضْوٍ أُوتِيَتْ حَلْقَا

2. She sang, and I was left enraptured
Soaring to the galaxies on high

٢. غَنَّتْ فَظَلْتُ إِخَالُنِي طَرَبَاً
أَسْمُو إِلَى الأَفْلاَكِ أَوْ أَرْقَى

3. She tells of my sighs as she flows along
Of my torments and lovesick pains

٣. تَحْكِي أَنِيْنِي وَهْيَ سَالِيَةٌ
مَمَّا أَجِنُّ وَتَشْتَكِي عِشْقَا

4. Beholding a lute she embraces
Their words entwined in harmony

٤. وَتَرَى لَهَا عُودَاً تُعَانِقُهُ
وَكَلاَمُهُ وَكَلاَمُهَا وِفْقَا

5. If not for her dancing fingers
The very air would grant it speech

٥. لَوْ لَمْ تُحَرِّكْهُ أَنَامِلُهَا
كَانَ الهَوَاءُ يُفِيْدُهُ نُطْقَا

6. She felt its state with a scholar's perception
As a doctor feels a fevered brow

٦. جَسَّتْهُ عَالِمَهً بِحَالَتِهِ
جَسَّ الطَّبِيْبِ لِمُدْنَفٍ عِرْقَا

7. I fancied her right hand stirred it
With thunder, her left with lightning's flash

٧. فَحَسِبْتُ يُمْنَاهَا تُحَرِّكُهُ
رَعْدَاً وَخِلْتُ يَسَارَهَا بَرْقَا