1. The black one challenges three,
With smoke plumes from it.
١. سَوْدَاءُ تُحْدَى عَلَى ثَلاَثٍ
لَهَا عِجَاجٌ مِنَ الدُّخَانِ
2. It passes amidst them and comes
With no wind or place.
٢. تَمُرُّ فِي وَسْطِهَا وَتَأْتِي
بِلاَ بَرَاحْ وَلاَ مَكَانِ
3. With raging fire on its expanse,
And scorching hot metal armor.
٣. بِجُلِّ نَارٍ عَلَى ثَرَاهَا
وَبُرْقُعٍ حَالِكِ الحِرَانِ
4. It is praised for its power without support,
Plundered in the field of allies.
٤. تُحْمَدُ قُوتَاً لِغَيْرِ رِفْدٍ
يُنْهَبُ فِي سَاحَةِ الْخِوَانِ