1. And descriptions lined up on four legs
Of that which the carpenter took pains with his craft
١. ووصائِفٍ صُفّتْ على ذِي أرْبَعٍ
ممّا عُنِي بِصَنيعِهِ النَّجَّارُ
2. And reached the height of the wind in its folds
So eyes were confounded by its beauty
٢. وَسَمَتْ سُمُوّ الرّيحِ في لَبّاتِها
فَتَحَيّرَتْ في حُسْنِها الأبْصَارُ
3. As though their ears were pendants
And their feet were moons
٣. فكأنّما آذانُهُنَّ صَوَالِجٌ
وكأنّما أقدامُها أقْمَارُ