
Bitterly complaining of his song

متبرم بغنائه

1. Bitterly complaining of his song
Feigning enjoyment of his torment

١. مُتَبَرِّمٌ بغِنائِهِ
مستعذِبٌ لعَذَابِهِ

2. He willfully abandoned the chief
And so he came and went as he pleased

٢. هَجَرَ العميدَ تعمُّداً
فَغَدا وراح لِمَا بِهِ

3. Cloaking him in his dotage
In the prime of his youth

٣. وكساهُ ثَوْبَ مشيْبِهِ
في عُنْفُوانِ شَبَابِهِ