
O gentle breeze, so alluring in your grace,

يا أيها الصلف المدل بحسنه

1. O gentle breeze, so alluring in your grace,
Be generous to your lover, as generosity becomes you,

١. يا أيها الصَّلْفُ المُدِلُّ بِحُسْنِهِ
جُدْ للمُحِبِّ فَأَنْتِ أهْلُ الجوْدِ

2. By accepting the stroke of one who addressed you with kindness,
Graceful acceptance is the mark of the noble and virtuous.

٢. بقبولِ مِضْرَابٍ حَكَاكَ بلُطْفِهِ
حَسَنُ التَّعطُّفِ مُخْطَفٍ مَقْدُودِ

3. The carefree resemble you when you flutter playfully
And touch softly amidst pillows and knotty cushions,

٣. متشبهٌ بك حين تخطِرُ لاهِياً
وَتَمِيْسُ بين مجاسدٍ وعُقُودِ

4. Do not let the envious gloat at my rejection,
Every rival and envious one makes amends for you.

٤. لا تُشْمِتَنّ بي الحسود بِرَدِّهِ
يُفْدِيْكَ كلُّ مُنَافِسٍ وَحَسُودِ

5. I did not gift it to you, oh my comfort, but rather,
I gifted it growing closer to the lute.

٥. لم أُهْدِهِ لك يا مُناي وإنَّما
أهديتُهُ متقرِّباً للعُودِ