
O you intoxicated with wine

أيا نشوان من خمر بفيه

1. O you intoxicated with wine
When will you wake, your spittle sweet?

١. أَيَا نِشْوَانُ مِنْ خَمْرٍ بِفِيْهِ
مَتَى تَصْحُو وَرِيْقُكَ خَنْدَرِيْسُ

2. I see in you what I see in one made tipsy -
His boon companion pressed the cup on him.

٢. أَرَى بِكَ مَا أَرَاهُ بِذِي انْتِشَاءٍ
أَلَحَّ عَلَيْهِ بِالْكَأسِ الجَلِيْسُ

3. The rose garden's blush, the languor of a glance -
She makes him sick, and sidelong looks caress.

٣. تَوَرُّدُ وَجْنَةٍ وَفُتُورُ لَحْظٍ
تُمَرِّضُهُ وَأَعْطَافٌ تَمِيْسُ