
The flash of lightning in the outpouring of that downpour

ضرب في ارتشاف ذاك الرضاب

1. The flash of lightning in the outpouring of that downpour
Was adorned as if it were the lightning of that cloud

١. ضَرَبٌ في ارتشاف ذاك الرُّضابِ
خُلَّبا كان برقُ ذاك السحابِ

2. O desolation of the wilderness, O expanse of the regions
O sweetness of the folds, O torment of longing

٢. يا مَهاةَ الفلاةِ يا عِرْضَةَ الأع
راض يا عَذْبَةَ الثنايا العذابِ

3. Can justice be assured that whoever will judge
You has appointed me to compose poetry about you?

٣. أمِنَ العدلِ أنَّ من سوف يقضى
فيكِ نحباً وَكَّلْته بانتحابِ

4. How can the exuberance of the intoxication of thirty
And the wine of passion sober up from ecstasy?

٤. كيف يصحو نشوان خمر الثَّلِثَيْ
نِ وخمرِ الهوى من الإِطْرابِ

5. And since the antelopes of the sand
Are hunters with a glance, lions of the forests

٥. ومن الحين أن غزلانَ رملٍ
صائداتٌ باللحْظِ آسادَ غابِ

6. In the gardens of beauty they take whatever they wish
Of the rose and the nabk tree

٦. في رِياض الجمالِ يأخذن ما شئ
ن من الجُلَّنار والعنابِ

7. And the love of my brother refused the right of my love
Indeed, it quickly responded to the answer

٧. وأبى حبُّها يمينُ أخي الح
بِ لقد جاوبَتْ سريعَ الجوابِ

8. More effective than a sword in courage
And more glowing in darkness than a flame

٨. لَوْذَعِياً أمضَى من السيفِ في الرَّوْ
ع وأذكى في ظُلْمةٍ من شهابِ

9. Be angry if I sin, and be pleased for with me
Are resolves like honed swords

٩. اغْضَبِي إن أردب وارضَيْ فعندي
عَزَماتٌ مثلُ السيوفِ القضابِ

10. I am not one who says that wealth,
Its causes are obtained without causes

١٠. لستُ ممن يقول إنَّ الغِنَى تُدْ
رَكُ أسبابُه بلا أسبابِ

11. For proximity is from remoteness, and comfort
Is only in toil and fatigue

١١. فالتَّداني من التَّنائي وما الرا
حةُ إلا في الكدِّ والإتعابِ

12. So receive good news, and let your good news reach
The mount, for this is the time of saddling the mounts

١٢. فابْشِري وَلْتَنَلْ بشارتُك الرِّك
بَ فهذا أوانُ حَلِّ الرِّكابِ

13. With an open space as if the pearls
Were strung upon it and the necklace of clouds untied

١٣. بفناءٍ كأنما انتظَمَ الده
رُ عليه وانحلَّ عقدُ السِّخابِ

14. As if sorrows fearfully consulted
Between them, avoiding that peril

١٤. وكأنَّ الخطوبَ خوفاً تواصَت
بينَها باجتنابِ ذاكَ الجَنَابِ

15. In it is the offspring of the daughters of the family of Abraham
Of difficult aspirations, easily veiled

١٥. فيه سَبْطُ البناتِ من آل إبرا
هيم صعب المَرام سَهْلُ الحِجابِ

16. He did not attribute his share of the virtues of his ancestor
The generous, judicious person

١٦. لم يُعَلِّلْ نصيبَهُ من مَعَالي
جدِّه يَعُرب الكريمِ النِّصابِ

17. People wonder that he is the best of people
In lineage, yet he is not vain

١٧. يُعجَبُ الناسُ أنه أَفْضلُ النا
سِ عُلاً وهو غيرُ ذي إعْجابِ

18. Abundant is his modesty, and gifts
Flow freely from him to the suitor

١٨. وَكَثيرٌ حياؤُه والعَطَايا
يَتَبَرَّجْن مِنْهُ للخطَّابِ

19. If you fathom his abundant generosity, you reckon
The sea is in his capacious, vast breast

١٩. لو تبحَّرت جُودَةُ تَحَسِبْتَ ال
بَحْرَ في صدرهِ الرّحيبِ الرّحابِ

20. His qualities were strange in dew, so we called him
The seeker of virtues

٢٠. أَغْربَتْ في النّدَى سَجاياهُ قِدْماً
فدعوناهُ طالب الطُّلابِ

21. A nobility, however you examine it, your hand
Touches upon its brocade of repute

٢١. شَرَفٌ كيف ما تصفَّحْتَ صافَحْ
تَ عليه ديباجَةَ الأحْسابِ

22. Like the House of God, whichever way you face
There you are, facing a prayer niche

٢٢. مثلَ بَيْتِ الله الذي أينما وجْ
هت وجهاً فأَنْت في مِحرابِ

23. And the wise man of the time was not given, at
Marriage proposals, any wisdom or eloquence of speech

٢٣. وحكيمُ الزمان لم يُؤت عند ال
خَطْب من حكمةٍ وفَصْلِ الخطابِ

24. In his hands, thought is a mirror
Showing analogies without a veil

٢٤. في يَدَيْ رأيه من الفِكْر مِرْآ
ةٌ تُرِيه الحِجَا بغير حِجابِ

25. Whatever difficulties he saw, he only
Turned away retreating on his heels

٢٥. ما رأَتْهُ الخُطُوب أَطْرَقَ إلاَّ
نَكَصَتْ خيفةً على الأعْقابِ

26. And the gardens of beauty are in his face, nourished
With the water of virtue and the water of youth

٢٦. ورياضُ الجَمَالِ في وجهِهِ تُغْ
ذَى بماءِ العُلا وماءِ الشَّبابِ

27. As if darkness and light were an apparition
Of terror and awe the morning after

٢٧. وكأنَّ الظلامَ والنورَ طَيْفا
ةُ غَداةَ الإرْغَابِ والإرْهابِ

28. I drew from him a sea of intimacy, and presented
To him a pearl of wondrous speech

٢٨. خُضْتُ منه بحر النَّوالِ وأهديْ
تُ إليه دُرَّ الكلامِ العجابِ

29. Every line more fragrant and more redolent
Than the breath of loved ones

٢٩. كلُّ بيتٍ أَعَمُّ طِيباً وأذْكى
أرْجاً من تنفُّسِ الأحبابِ

30. O brother of glory, O father of the beautiful, the good
In the hazardous, difficult courtships

٣٠. يا أخا المجد يا أبا الحسن المح
سن في فادح الخُطوبِ الصعابِ

31. And the generous one whose manner is the pillar
Of etiquette, the guide of culture

٣١. والكريمُ الذي على كَرمِ الأخ
لاقِ منه مُعَوّلُ الآدابِ

32. If you do not see our affection in wisdom
And the first of companions incline to listen

٣٢. إنا إن لم تَرَ التجوُّزَ في الحك
م وأَنْصَتَ أوّلُ الأصحابِ

33. And the noble one who sees between us manners
Closer in kinship than ancestry

٣٣. والشريفُ الذي يرى بَيْنَنَا الآ
دَابَ أدْنى قرباً من الأَنْسابِ

34. My praise of you lasts as long as I live
Even if my belief is visiting the tomb

٣٤. مِدَحي ما حَييتُ تَتْرَى وإن كا
ن اعتقادي زيارةُ الإِغْبابِ

35. So listen to me, you have adorned Damascene poetry
With excellent words, Najdi poetry with eloquence

٣٥. فاستمِع لي هَنِيتَ شاميَّةَ الألْ
فاظ حُسناً نجديَّةَ الإعْرابِ

36. The daughter of a thought whose garment is
The dress of truth, she almost became the mother of books

٣٦. بِنْتَ فكرٍ كِسوتها حلل الصِّد
ق فكادت تكونُ أمَّ الكتابِ