1. It captivated our ears with a gentle tune
Conversing with it about its secret, and it converses with him
١. شَدَتْ فَجَلَتْ أَسْماعَنَا بِمُخَفّفٍ
يُحَدِّثُهَا عن سِرِّهَا وتُحَدِّثُهْ
2. A conversation whose strings are tuned to its moods
Elements from it, its speaker has composed creation
٢. مَشَاكلَةٌ أَوتارَهُ في طِباعِهَا
عناصِرُ منها أَلَّفَ الخَلْقَ مُحْدِثُهْ
3. For fire is from it zabr, and earth from it mubah
For wind its octave, and for water its fifth
٣. فللنَّارِ منه الزِبرُ والأَرْضُ بمُّهُ
وللريح مَثْنَاهُ ولِلْمَاءِ مَثْلَثُهْ
4. And every person yearns for a melody from it
According to the nature from which it originates
٤. وكلًّ امرئٍ تشتاقُهُ مِنْه نَغَمَةٌ
على حَسَبِ الطَّبْعِ الذي مِنْهُ يَبْعَثُهْ
5. It complained of the stroke of its right, so its left
Encircled it for a while, stirring it
٥. شَكَا ضَرْبَ يُمْنَاهَا فَظَلَّتْ يَسَارُها
تُطَوِّقُهُ طَوْراً وطَوْراً تُرَعِّثُهْ
6. Until it showed me, while I was departing
Responding to it in the most beautiful humming and buzzing
٦. فما بَرِحَتْ حتى أَرَتْني مُخَارِقاً
تُجَاوِبُهُ في أحسن الشَّدْوِ عَثْعَثَهْ
7. That I reckoned the Babylonians had cast
On its words the magic with which it breathes
٧. وحَتّى حَسِبْتُ البابِلِيّينَ أَلْقَيَا
على لَفْظِها السّحْرَ الذي مِنْهُ تَنْفِثُهْ