
The follies of youth are borrowed garments

حلل الشبيبة مستعاره

1. The follies of youth are borrowed garments
So leave youth and abandon its dwellings

١. حُلَلُ الشّبِيْبَةِ مُسْتَعَارَهْ
فَدَعِ الصِّبَا واهْجُرْ دِيَارَهْ

2. Let not empty pleasures distract you from greatness
Alluring glances that adorn their arms with bracelets

٢. لا يَشْغَلْنَكَ عن العُلاَ
خَوْدٌ تُمَنِّيْكَ الزِّيَارَهْ

3. The beginnings of love are sweet
But its ends turn bitter

٣. خَوْدٌ تُطَيَّبُ طِيْبَهَا
وَيَزِيْنُ ساعِدُهَا سِوَارَهْ

4. What excuse for one like you, having discarded
In the drunkenness of pleasure, his modesty

٤. تَحْلُو أوائِلُ حُبِّهَا
وتَشُوبُ آخِرَهُ مَرَارَهْ

5. After having tied the waist-wrap tightly
When youthfulness flourished in his time

٥. ما عُذْرُ مِثْلِكَ خالِعاً
في سُكْرِ لَذّتِهِ عِذَارَهْ

6. What pride that a young man awakes
With a huge frame and bulging muscles

٦. من بَعْدِ ما شَدَّ الأَشَدْ
دُ عَلَى تَلاَبِيْهِ إزَارَهْ

7. Preoccupied with drinking wine
Known for romancing maidens behind curtains

٧. مَنْ سَادَ في عَصْرِ الشَّبَا
بِ غَدَتْ لسُؤْدَدِهِ نَضَارَهْ

8. His sitting room abandoned; no guests visit his house
The pride is that a young man angers his enemies

٨. ما الفَخْرُ أن يَغْدُو الفَتَى
مُتَسَبِّعاً ضَخْمَ الجُزَارَهْ

9. And honors his neighbor
And protects his reputation

٩. كَلِفً بِشُرْبِ الرّاحِ مَشْ
عُوفاً بِغِزْلاَنِ السِّتَارَهْ

10. And rages against the slanderer like fire
And strives either for leadership

١٠. مهجورَةً عَرَصَاتُهُ
لا يقرَبُ الأضيافُ دَارَهْ

11. Or for the ministry and governance
Competent in writing, discourse and eloquence

١١. الفَخْرُ أن يُشْجَى الفَتَى
أعداءَهُ وَيُعَزُّ جارَهْ

12. With resolute determination, avoiding disgrace
As if, from his shrewdness and penetration, he is

١٢. وَيَذُبُّ عَنْ أعراضِهِ
ويَشُتَّ للطُّرَّاقِ نَارَهْ

13. A spark that is feared and hoped for
And seen as noble and eminent

١٣. ويَرُوحُ إما للإما
رَةِ سعيُهُ أو للوِزَارَهْ

14. In a revered procession, as if
The night had clothed him in a cloak

١٤. فردُ الكتابَةِ والخَطَا
بَةِ والبَلاغَةِ والعِبَارَهْ

15. Tribes boast of him, the dust scattering
From their shoulders when he nods

١٥. مُتَيَقَّظُ العَزَماتِ يَجْ
تَنِبُ الكَرَى إلاّ غِرَارَهْ

16. And the sons of the deserted encampments
Prolong their watching for his caravans

١٦. وكأنّه من حِدّةٍ
ونفاذِ تدبيرٍ شَرَارَهْ

17. So strive for new or old glory
And raise its minaret high

١٧. حتى يُخَافَ ويُرْتَجَى
ويُرَى له نَشَبٌ وشَارَهْ

18. And build for yourself through greatness a condition
And be of beautiful character

١٨. في موكِبٍ لَجِبٍ كأن
الليلَ أَلْبَسَهُ خِمَارَهْ

19. And establish for it a market that spends on it
And brings it trade

١٩. تُزْهَى بِهِ عُصَبٌ تُنْفْ
فِضُ عن مناكِبِهَا غُبَارَهْ

20. Do not live uselessly and avoid
That which the noble fear its shame

٢٠. ويُطِيْلُ أبناءُ الرَّغا
ئِبِ في مسالِكِهِ انتظارَهْ

21. And if the best foods are unavailable to you
Then eat stones

٢١. فادْأَبْ لمجدٍ حادِثٍ
أو سالِفٍ تُعْلِي مَنَارَهْ

٢٢. واعمُرْ لِنَفْسِكَ في العُلاَ
حَالاً وَكُنْ حَسَنَ العِمَارَهْ

٢٣. وأقِمْ لها سُوقاً تُنَفْ
فِقُها وَتَأْخُذُهَا تِجارَهْ

٢٤. لا تَغْدُ كَلاًّ واجْتَنِبْ
أمْراً يَخَافُ الحُرُّ عارَهْ

٢٥. وإذا عَدِمْتَ مِن المآ
كِلِ خَيْرَهَا فكُلِ الحِجَارَهْ