1. A brother to me, I was envied for believing in him
And I did not fear estrangement from his affection
١. أَخٌ لي كُنْتُ أُغْبَطْ بِاعْتِقَادِهْ
وَلاَ أَخْشَى التَنَكُّرَ مِنْ وِدَادِهْ
2. A crescent in its illumination, alive in
His generosity, a shooting star in its flaming
٢. هِلاَلٌ فِي إِضَاءِتِهِ حَياً في
سَمَاحَتِهِ شِهَابٌ في اتِّقَادِهْ
3. I send him rhyming verses hastily
To him, if only I did not send to him
٣. أُهَادِيْهِ القَوَافِيَ مُسْرعَاتٍ
إِلَيْهِ فَلَيْتَ أَنّي لَمْ أُهَادِهْ
4. And I take from his flint
And he takes from my flint
٤. وَأَقْبِسُهُ فَيُوْرِي مِنْ زِنَادِي
وَيَقْبِسُنِي فَأُوْرِي مِنْ زِنَادِهْ
5. I support him with sincere opinion
And he supports me with his sincere opinion
٥. وَأُعْضُدُهُ بَرَأْيٍ مِنْ سَدَادٍ
وَيَعْضُدُني بِرَأْي مِنْ سَدَادَهْ
6. And I make him happy, so I accept what
His confusion or guidance calls me to
٦. وَأُسْعِدُهُ فَأَقْبَلُ مَا دَعَانِي
إِلَيْهِ غَيُّهِ أَوْ مِنْ رَشَادِهْ
7. And he was and I was sincere to him
Where the son of Sakhir sees excess
٧. وَكَانَ وَكُنْتُ بِالإِخْلاَصِ مِنْهُ
بِحَيْثُ يَرَى ابْنَ صَخْرٍ مِنْ زيَادِة
8. I was good to him but prominence reached him
So competition exposes his corruption
٨. صَلَحْتُ لَهُ فَأَدْرَكَهُ نُبُوٌّ
فَأَظْهَرُهُ التَّنَافُسُ مِنْ فَسَادِهْ
9. And I weakly led him
But events made leading him difficult
٩. وَكَان قِيَادُهُ بِيَدِي ذَلِيْلاً
فَصَعَّبَتِ الحَوَادِثُ مِنْ قِيَادِهْ
10. So he disavowed his affection for me
As the orphan disavows his innermost feelings
١٠. فَأَصْبَحَ قَدْ تَبَرَّأَ مِنْ وِدَادِي
كَمَا بَرِئَ المُتَيَّمُ مِنْ فُؤَادِهْ
11. And he opposed me and I did not know that
I would move from his love to his opposition
١١. وَعَانَدَنِي وَلَمْ أَعْلَمْ بِأَنَّي
سَأُنْقَلُ مِنْ هَوَاهُ إِلَى عِنَادِهِ
12. And he inclined away and I do not fear
The pigeons of death except in his distance
١٢. وَمَالَ إِلَى البَعَادِ وَلَسْتُ أَخْشَى
حِمَامُ المَوْتِ إِلاَّ فِي بِعادِهِ
13. And he plotted against me, no lover being
Sweeter in his plot than the beloved
١٣. وَكَايّدَني وَلَمْ يُرَقَطُّ أَحْلَى
مِنَ المَعْشُوْقِ لُطْفاً فِي كِيَادِهْ
14. And he transgresses against me, and I am not one
Who disturbs the purity of love with his transgression
١٤. وَمُعْتَدٍّ عَلَيَّ وَلَسْتُ مِمَّنْ
يُكَدِّرُ صَفْوَ وُدٍّ بِاعْتِدَادِهْ
15. Concerned with criticizing the adornment of my poetry
Yet the excellence of adornment appears in its critique
١٥. مُعَنيٍّ بِانْتِقَادِ حُلِيّ شِعْرِي
وَفَضْلُ الْحلي يَظْهَرُ فِي انتِقَادِهْ
16. And if you tried to find fault in the full moon
You would look for defects in its darkness
١٦. وَلَوْ حَاوِلْتَ أَنْ تُزْرِي بِبَدْرِ
طَلَبْتَ لَهُ الْمَعَايِبَ مِنْ سَوَادِهْ
17. Not all stars shine brightly
To illuminate in their isolation
١٧. وَمَا كُلُّ الكَوَاكِبِ مَسْتَنِيْرٌ
فَيُغِني بِالإِضَاءَةِ فِي انْفِرَادِهْ
18. And clouds may spill after brilliance and rain
Whose abundance appears in its collection
١٨. وَقَدْ يَنْهَلُّ بَعْدَ الطَّلِّ وَبْلٌ
وَغَمْرَ الْمَاءِ يَظْهَرُ فِي ثِمَادِهْ
19. He was harsh, revealing my sweet memories
And removed my cheek from his pillow
١٩. جَفَا فَأَبَانَ عَنْ طَرْفِي لَذِيْذَ الْ
كَرَى وَأَزَالَ خَدِّي عَنْ وِسَادَهْ
20. As if I had burdened a lover for him
Who then rebelled and wandered from his rest
٢٠. كأنّي قد عذلْتُ له حَبيباً
فصارَمَهُ وشَرّدَ عن رُقَادِهْ
21. And if his hands had shed the blood of my cousin
Or if I had not left him and restored him
٢١. ولو سَفَكَتْ يداهُ دَمَ ابن عمِيِّ
أو إنني لم أتِرْهُ ولم أُعَادِهْ
22. And if he wanted to kill me, I would kill myself
Willingly for him to achieve his purpose
٢٢. ولو قتْلي أراد قتلتُ نَفْسي
له عمداً ليبلُغَ من مرادِهْ
23. I remain gentle when he is harsh
And soften at the time of his anger
٢٣. أواصِلُ إنْ جَفَا وأغُضُّ إِمَّا
هَفَا وأَلِيْنُ في وقتِ احْتِدَادِهْ
24. And I relied on him but when
He changed for me I relied on his change
٢٤. وكُنْتُ عليه مُعْتَمِداً فلمّا
تغيّر لي أقمتُ على اعتِمَادِهْ
25. And I repented to him from a mistake
He blamed me for but did not lose him by his blame
٢٥. وتُبْتُ إِلَيْهِ من ذنبٍ
جناهُ ولم أفقِدْهُ شَخْصِي بافتقادِهْ
26. Abu Bakr, with your glory when you transcend
Jesting, and smile about your burdens
٢٦. أبا بكرٍ بمجدِكَ حين تسمو
بطارفِهِ وتضحَكُ عن تِلادِهْ
27. And your rhymed prose is a string of words
Like a necklace adorned by its threading
٢٧. ونظمُكَ دُرَّ لَفْظٍ في قريضٍ
كَنَظْمِ العَقْدِ يُزْهَى بانعِقَادِهْ
28. Carry me if I stumble, and take my hand
My brother, and release my gaze from its slumber
٢٨. أَقِلْني إن عَثَرْتُ وخُذْ بِكَفّي
أخيْكَ وفُكَّ طَرْفي من سهادِهْ
29. No sooner had I written the verses
Than my pen flowed with my tears as its ink
٢٩. فَمَا كتَبَتْ يدي الأبياتَ حتى
جرى قلمي بدمْعي في مدادِهْ
30. If I am guilty and you pardon me
Then God pardons His servants
٣٠. وإن أَكُ مُذْنِباً وَعَفوْتَ عنَّي
فإن اللَّهَ يعفو عن عبادِهْ