1. Indeed it is the calamity, overwhelming its severity
Its beginning agonizing, and its outcome
١. أجَلْ هو الرُّزْءُ جَلَّ فادِحُهْ
باكِرُهُ فاجِعٌ ورائِحُهْ
2. Neither the spring of an abode healed, nor its ruins
More desolate when its misfortunes came upon it
٢. لا ربْعُ دارٍ عفا ولا طَلَلُ
أوْحشَ لمَّا نَأْتِ ملائِحُهْ
3. Far from that for one who takes heed
Is the path of salvation, though difficult its ascents
٣. عَنْ ذاكَ مندوحَةٌ لمُعْتَبِرِ
فَذُو النُّهَى جَمَّةٌ مَنَادِحُهْ
4. So one hungry, if the fetus knew it
Would return bleached are its bones
٤. فَجَائِعٌ لو دَرَى الجنينُ بها
لعادَ مُبْيَضَّةً مَسَائِحُهْ
5. Oh what misery when the Messengers of Allah
Were subjected to their calamities
٥. يا بُؤْسَ للدَّهْرِ حينَ آلُ رسو
لِ الله تجتاحُهُمْ جَوَائِحُهْ
6. When you contemplate their afflictions
The load of sorrows weighs down its carrier
٦. إذا تَفَكَّرْتَ في مُصَابِهِمْ
أثْقَبَ زَنْدَ الهُمُومِ قَادِحَهْ
7. For some their places of death were brought near
While for others their places of fall were promised
٧. فبعضُهُمْ قُرِّبَتْ مَصَارِعُهُ
وبعضُهُمْ بُوعِدَتْ مَطَارِحُهْ
8. Darkened on the day of Karbala, then appeared [the truth] while they are the slaughtered
The rain did not cease watering every uprising ground
٨. أظْلَمَ في كَرْبِلاَءَ يومُهُمُ
ثم تجَلّى وَهُمْ ذَبَائِحُهْ
9. Or roaming its valleys are its showers
Upon a land where a strange Messenger of Allah settled
٩. لا بَرِحَ الغَيْثُ كلَّ شارِقَةٍ
تَهْمي غَوَادِيْه أوْ رَوَائِحُهْ
10. Wounded are his noble organs
He who protected him decreased, and few are his helpers
١٠. على ثَرىً حَلَّهُ غريبُ رسو
لِ اللَّهِ مَجْرُوحةٌ جَوَارِحُهْ
11. And the utmost of his aims faced preventers
While his women were taken captives, the necks of loved ones
١١. ذَلَّ حِمَاهُ وقَلّ ناصِرُهُ
وَنَالَ أَقْصى مُنَاهُ كَاشِحُهْ
12. Dragged among them were their infants
And they were forbidden to cry and lament aloud
١٢. وسيقَ نِسْوانُهُ طلائِقَ أح
زانٍ تَهَادَى بِهِمْ طلائِحُهْ
13. Though bitter is estrangement and loud are its wailers
Sorrow returned to his grandfather and his father
١٣. وهنَّ يُمْنَعْنَ بالوعيد من النَ
نوحْ وعِرُّ العُلا نوائحُهْ
14. Where their screaming for help was heard
If the Majestic did not want their war against him
١٤. عادَ الأَسَى جَدَّهُ ووالِدَهُ
حَيْثُ اسْتَغَاثَتْهُمَا صوائِحُهْ
15. Narrowness would have squeezed them and their surroundings
He who destroyed a nation whose she-camel was hamstrung
١٥. لَوْ لَمْ يُرِدْ ذُو الجَلاَلِ حَرْبَهُمُ
بِهِ لَضَاقَتْ بِهِمْ فَسَائِحُهْ
16. When their righteous one invited them [to Allah]
You have lost the path to the way of Allah
١٦. وَهْوَ الذي اجتاحَ أُمَّةً عَقَرَتْ
ناقَتَهُ إذْ دَعَاهُ صالِحُهْ
17. So you were confused while the calamities befell you
Oh you Shi'ites of misguidance and deviation
١٧. ضللتُمُ القَصْدَ للسبيلِ إلى الْ
لَّهِ فتاهتْ بِكُمْ صَحَاصِحُهْ
18. Stained are your robes with disgrace
You have wronged Allah in harming those
١٨. يا شِيْعَ الغَيِّ والضَّلاَلِ وَمَنْ
كَلٌّهُمْ جَمَّةٌ فضائِحُهْ
19. To whom his advice was given
You threw dust on the forehead of a youth
١٩. غَشَشتُمُ اللَّهَ في أذِيَّةِ مَنْ
إليْهِمُ أُدِّيَتْ نَصَائِحُهْ
20. Whom Jibreel used to rub before the Prophet
Blood shedding between you and the Messenger of Allah
٢٠. عَفَرْتُمُ بالثَّرَى جبين فَتىً
جبريلُ قبلَ النبيَّ ماسِحُهْ
21. While the son of As-Saffah is its shedder
The same to Allah are all of you
٢١. يُطَلّ ما بينَكُمْ دَمٌ لرسو
لِ اللَّهِ وابنُ السِّفَاحِ سَافِحُهْ
22. Those who abandoned him and those who slaughtered him
Curse pursues or roams around
٢٢. سِيّانُ عند الإله كُلُّكُمُ
خاذِلُهُ مِنْكُمُ وذابِحُهْ
23. Those who deprived them of their rights
You are ignorant of who the Household know
٢٣. على الَّذِي فاتَهُمْ بِحَقِّهِمْ
لعْنٌ يُغَادِيهِ أو يُراوِحُهْ
24. And who did not encounter their inner chambers
If you are silent from supplicating to them
٢٤. جَهِلْتُمُ فيهِمُ الذي عَرَفَ ال
بَيْتُ وما قابَلَتْ أباطِحُهْ
25. Then for you is a day when no supplicant is answered
Where the ram of calamity butts
٢٥. إن تصمُتُوا عن دعائِهِمْ فلكُمْ
يومُ وغىً لا يُجاب صائحُهْ
26. Whoever sees the ram of tribulation headbutting him
And tomorrow the opponent will know who
٢٦. في حيثُ كبْشُ الرّدَى يناطِحُ من
أبْصَرَ كبشَ الوَغَى يناطِحُهْ
27. Lost religion for them and who gained it
Before you is a blazing flame
٢٧. وفي غَدٍ يَعْرِفُ المُخَالِفُ مَنْ
خاسِرُ دينٍ لَهُمْ وَرَابِحُهْ
28. That will wrap those faces without extinguisher
If you think them fools in your ignorance
٢٨. وبين أيديكُمُ حريقُ لظىً
يلفَحُ تِلْكَ الوُجُوهَ لافِحُهْ
29. The shining full moon is not harmed by the barking dog
Or if you conceal, the Quran whose intricacies
٢٩. إن عِبْتُمُوهُمْ بجهلِكُمْ سَفَهاً
ما ضرَّ بَدْرَ السماءِ نابِحُهْ
30. Declare their virtues clearly
No glory shone from their graves
٣٠. أو تكتُمُوا فالقرانُ مشكِلُهُ
بفضلِهِمْ ناطقٌ وواضِحُهْ
31. Except its dwellers are its lanterns
A people whom the sword of their father
٣١. ما أَشْرَقَ المَجْدُ من قبورِهِمْ
إلا وسُكَّانُها مصابِحُهْ
32. Refused to straighten the religion or silence its dissenter
He who the Prophet felt tranquility with
٣٢. قومٌ أبَى حدُّ سيفِ والدِهِمْ
للدينِ أو يستَقِيْمُ جامِحُهْ
33. While the religion panicked terrified are its shelters
They fought him and he is their supporter
٣٣. وهو الذي استأنسَ النبيُّ بِهِ
والدينُ مذعورَةٌ مسارِحُهْ
34. Before and they betrayed him while he advised them
So how many of them did the swords spill blood
٣٤. حاربَهُ القومُ وهو ناصِرُهُ
قِدْماً وغَشُّوه وهْوَناصحُهْ
35. On a day of fighting when its fierce one charges
The people did not pardon when they were able
٣٥. فكم كَسَا منهُمُ السُّيُوفَ دَماً
يَوْمَ جِلادٍ يطيحُ طائِحُهْ
36. To commit against them their atrocities
But rather stubbornness they granted him and exerted effort
٣٦. ماصفَحَ القومُ عندما قَدَرُوا
لما جَنَتْ فيهِمُ صفائحُهْ
37. To prevent what Allah grants him
They were volatile in harming him
٣٧. بل منحوهُ العنادَ واجتهدوا
أن يمنعُوهُ ما اللَّهُ مانِحُهْ
38. While he is dignified and weighty
An ocean of knowledge, so if the knowledge rages
٣٨. كانوا خِفَاقاً إلى أذّيتِهِ
وهو ثقيلُ الوقارِ راجِحُهْ
39. Its currents stir its depths
And if they flow in chastity, their immorality disgraced them
٣٩. بحرُ علومٍ إذا العلومُ طَمَتْ
فهز تَيّارَها ضحاضِحُهْ
40. Breaking the virginity of the chaste with deflowerer
He prevented the eye from their wreckage
٤٠. وإن جَرَوُا في العفافِ بَذَّهُمُ
بالسَّبْقِ عودَ الجَرَاءِ قارِحُهْ
41. While he aspires to righteous deeds
O family whose love clarifies
٤١. قد منع الطَّرْفَ عن حُطَامِهِمْ
وهو إلى الصالحَاتِ طامِحُهْ
42. The righteous of this world and its corrupt
The lock of evil you are O children of Ahmed
٤٢. ياعترةً حبُّهمْ يبينُ بِهِ
صالِحُ هذا الوَرَى وطالِحُهْ
43. When others are its keys
You are blessed, so if your mention passes by
٤٣. مغالِقُ الشَرِّ أنتُمُ يابَني
أحمدَ إِذْ غيركُمْ مفاتِحُهْ
44. The fragrance of gardens emanates from its breeze
I conceal my sorrow in your love
٤٤. طِبْتُمْ فإن مرَّ ذِكْرِكُمْ عَرَضاً
فَاحَ بِمِسْكِ الجِنَانِ فائِحُهْ
45. Though it wearies with it its tossing and turning
Nothing but tears and sorrow for what
٤٥. أُكَاتِمُ الحُزْنَ في محبَّتِكُمْ
والحُزْنُ يَعْيَا بِهِ مَكَاوِحُهْ
46. Will be in it its brim inevitably overflowing
So the eyelids will be harmed though
٤٦. ليس سِوَى الدَّمْعِ والإناءُ بِمَا
يكونُ فِيْهِ لابُدّ راشِحُهْ
47. Its flow harms the two eyes
If I was in the time of Dibel my praises in you
٤٧. فَسَوْفَ تغرَى به الجفُون وإن
أضَر بالناظِرَيْنِ سافِحُهْ
48. Would be praise while his are its praises
٤٨. لو كُنْتُ في عصْرِ دِعْبِلٍ عَبَدَتْ
مدائحي فيكُمُ مدائِحُهْ