1. A rain has come to us announcing a decline,
Continuous showers rushing insistently.
١. غَيْثٌ أَتَانَا مُؤْذِنَاً بِخَفْضِ
مُتَّصِلَ الوَبْلِ حَثِيْثَ الرَّكْضِ
2. It executes what Allah decrees,
Like an army where each part follows the next.
٢. يَقْضِي بِحُكْمِ اللَّهِ فِيْمَا يَقْضِي
كالْجَيْشِ يَتْلُو بَعْضُهُ لِبَعْضِ
3. It laughs with lightning of faint pulse,
Like a palm spreading out and clenching up.
٣. يَضْحَكُ عَنْ بَرْقٍ خَفِيِّ النَّبْضِ
كَالْكَفِّ فِي انْبِسَاطِهَا والقَبْضِ
4. It drew near covering the earth,
Connecting end to end and width to width.
٤. دَنَا فَخِلْنَاهُ فُوَيْقَ الأَرْضِ
مُتَّصِلاً بِطُوْلِهَا والعَرْضِ
5. Thousands to thousands secretly overflowing,
Then it surged like scattered pearls.
٥. إِلْفَاً إِلَى إِلْفٍ بِسِرٍّ يُفْضِي
ثُمَّ هَمَى كَالُّلؤْلُؤِ المُرْفَضِّ
6. So the earth is adorned with fresh green plants,
In its red and white beauty.
٦. فَالأَرْضُ تُجْلَى بالنَّبَاتِ الغَضِّ
فِي حَلْيَهَا المُحْمَرِّ والمُبْيَضِّ
7. With lilies of passionate love and fresh roses,
Like cheeks etched with bites.
٧. مِنْ سَوْسَنٍ أَحْوَى وَوَرْدٍ غَضٍّ
مِثْلَ الخُدُودِ نُقِّشَتْ بِالْعَضِّ
8. And narcissi like pure white skins,
And sweet basil swaying with the breeze.
٨. وَأُقْحُوَانٍ كاللُّجَيْنِ المَحْضِ
وَنَرْجِسٍ ذَاكي النَّسِيْمِ بَضِّ
9. Like eyes they glance for a wink,
Yearning yet veiled with coyness.
٩. مِثْلَ العُيُونِ رَنَّقَتْ لِلْغَمْضِ
تَرْنُو وَيَغْشَاهَا الكَرَى فَتُغْضِي