1. Peace upon Dir Qusair and its slopes,
Gardens of sweetness down to palm trees,
١. سَلامٌ على دير القُصَيْرِ وسَفْحِهِ
فَجَنّاتِ حُلْوَانٍ إلى النّخَلاَتِ
2. Were dwellings of mine, and in them delights,
And they were my trysts and my promenades.
٢. منازِلُ كانَتْ لي بِهِنّ مَآرِبُ
وَكُنّ مَوَاخِيرِي ومُنْتَزَهَاتِي
3. When I came to them, steeds were my mounts,
And as I left, ships were my vessels.
٣. إذا جئتُها كانَ الجِيَادُ مَرَاكِبي
ومُنْصَرَفي في السُفْنِ مُنْحَدَرَاتِ
4. I hunted at dawn the shy-eyed gazelle,
And raced the human in the darkness.
٤. فَأَقْنِصُ بالأسْحَارِ وحْشِيَّ عِينِهَا
وأعْدُو على الإنسِيِّ في الظلمات
5. With me, every kiss-scarred charmer alluring,
Fulfilling each desire of the boon companion.
٥. معي كلُّ بَسَّامٍ أغَرَّ مُسَاعِدٍ
على كل ما يَهْوَى النّديمُ مُوَاتِي
6. A troop like the necks of wild cows, swords
That vie in their arena with spear-shafts.
٦. وجُرْدٌ كأَعْنَاقٍ الظِّبَاءِ صَوَارِمٌ
تُبَادِرُ في مِضْمَارِهَا القَصَبَاتِ
7. Meats that our hounds seized for us
And that we hunted in nets.
٧. وَلُحْمَانٌ مما أمْسَكْتُه كلابُنَا
عَلَيْنا ومِمّا صِيْدَ بالشَّبَكَاتِ
8. Food, if I wished, quickly cooked
By many lads and lassies of mine.
٨. طَعَامٌ إذا ما شِئْتُ باكَرْتُ طَبْخَهُ
على كثرة من غِلْمَتي وطُهَاتي
9. A blonde like ivory carrying her cup,
Languid of glance and motions.
٩. وصفْراءُ مثلُ التِّبْرِ يَحُمِل كاسَهَا
شديدُ فُتُورِ الطَّرْفِ واللَّحَظَاتِ
10. As if the staff of the wet-nurse in shaking
Learned movement from its extremities.
١٠. كأنّ قَضِيبَ البانِ عند اهتِزَازِهِ
تَعَلّمَ من أَطْرَافِهِ الحرَكَاتِ
11. There my drinks would clarify my pleasures
And days of joy accompany my life.
١١. هنالِكَ تَصْفُو لي مشارِبُ لَذَّتي
وتصحَبُ أيامُ السُّرورِ حَيَاتي