
I am amazed at my contentment and idleness,

عجبت من قناعتي وقعودي

1. I am amazed at my contentment and idleness,
Exertion has overcome the lofty persevering ones.

١. عَجِبْتُ من قَنَاعَتي وقُعُودي
غلب الجَدَّ عالياتِ الجُدُودِ

2. If you blamed the ill omens of my laziness,
Then indeed my good fortune has been prolonged.

٢. إن تَكُوني ذممت كَرَّ نُحُوسي
فلقد طَالَ ما حَمِدْتِ سُعُودي

3. Fate did not fulfill its promise to me
Except to fulfill its threat.

٣. ما وَفَى لي بِوَعْدِهِ الدّهْرُ إلاَّ
لِيَفي عِنْدَ وَعْدِهِ بالوَعِيْدِ

4. If the splendor of my fortune faded, wait,
Perhaps the blossoming of my fortune will return.

٤. إن ذَوَى عُودُ نِعْمَتي فَرُوَيْداً
وَعَسَى أَنْ يَثُوبَ نضرةُ عُودِي

5. The years did not pass by without
My steps stumbling or my pillars leaning.

٥. ما تَنَاهَتْ بي السُّنُونُ وَلا قا
رَبَ خَطْوي ولا تَحَانَى عَمُودي

6. My resolve has faded though I am not one
In whom resolve has entirely vanished.

٦. بَعُدَتْ هِمّتي وما أَنَا مِمّنْ
بَعُدَتْ فيه هِمَّةٌ بَبَعِيْدِ

7. And despair refused that my tomorrow
Would be clothed in a garment of new youth.

٧. وَأَبَى لي القُنُوطُ أَنَّ غُدُوِّي
في رِدَاءٍ مِنَ الشَّبَابِ جَدِيْدِ

8. My love of praise was the greatest cause
Of my playfulness fading and my vigor waning.

٨. حُبِّيَ الحَمْدُ كَانَ أكْبَرُ أَسْبَا
بِ ذَهَابِي بِطارِفي وتَلِيْدي

9. And my passion for the pleasure of generosity still
Remains until my means are exhausted.

٩. وَغَرَامِي بِلَذّةِ الجُوْدِ ما إنْ
زال حتَّى أتى على مَوْجُودي

10. And my habit of luxury and my fancying
The daughter of the vine clusters.

١٠. واعتياضي من الغِنَى بالغَوَاني
واعتِقادي هَوَى ابْنَةِ العُنْقُودِ

11. I swear by fate - between the union with a beloved
In the shade of youth and a loving intimacy -

١١. أقسِمُ الدَّهْرَ بين وصلِ حبيبٍ
تحت ظِلِّ الصِّبا وَوَصْلِ وَدُودِ

12. Giving my neck to tame lions
Trampling with my feet the necks of wolves.

١٢. مُعْطِياً رِبْقَتي أَكُفَّ ظِبَاءٍ
مُطِئاً أَخْمَصي رِقَابَ أُسُودِ

13. The cauldron continues to tug at the rein of my determination
To lead my pot toward those armies.

١٣. لا يَزَالُ الغَرِيْرُ يَقْتَادُ من فض
لِ عناني قَوْدي لِتِلْكَ الجُنُودِ

14. While I enjoy myself in the heart of a diwan,
Accompanied by flutes and lutes.

١٤. بَيْنَمَا أَسْتَكْهِلُ في صدر ديوا
نٍ تَصَابَيْتُ بَيْنَ نايٍ وعودِ

15. And my rising at dawn to lightly-clad beauties
And my visiting slave girls at evening.

١٥. وَغُدُوِّي على غطارِفِ شُوسٍ
وَرَوَاحي إلى كواعِبَ غَيْدِ

16. By my life, I saw the face of my felicity shine
When I saw the face of the Rightly-Guided Caliph.

١٦. قد لَعَمْرِي رأيتُ وجهَ رَشَادي
لاحَ لي إذْ رأيتُ وَجْهَ الرَّشِيْدي

17. The elite of the two nobles of the Abbasids
And the rope of continuing generosity.

١٧. صَفْوَةُ الأَكْرَمَيْنِ من آلِ عَبَّا
سٍ وَحَبْلُ المكارِمِ الممدُودِ

18. The guide of dew can only be attained through him
Since the dew has no guide.

١٨. وعَقِيْدُ النَّدَى تُنَالُ به الآ
مالُ إذْ ليْسَ للنّدى من عَقِيْدِ

19. The orator of the refined Hashimites
Witnessed in every assembly.

١٩. وخطيبُ المهذَّبِيْنَ بَنِي العَبْ
اسِ في كلِّ مَحْفَلٍ مَشْهُودِ

20. The council returns and he alone comes
With his eloquence among the delegations.

٢٠. يَرِدُ المشْهَدُ الوُفُودُ وَيَاْتي
وحدَهُ من بيانِهِ في وُفُودِ

21. And you see the ears inclined
To a discourse whose text or verse he recites.

٢١. وَتَرَى نحوَهُ المسامِعَ تُصْغي
لحديثِ يَنُصُّهُ أو نشيدِ

22. And the eyes are awed to fill up with him
For he has what the eyes desire from him.

٢٢. وتَهَابُ العيونُ أَنْ تتملاَّ
هُ وَفِيه لها مُرادُ مريدِ

23. As if the heads above them in stillness
To the most charming chanter.

٢٣. وكأنّ الرؤوسَ من فوقِهَا الطي
رُ سُكُوناً إلى أَغرَّ نجيدِ

24. The fullness of the chest, the eye, the throat,
And heart despite the nose of the envious.

٢٤. مِلْءُ صدرٍ ومِلْءُ عيْنٍ وسَرْجٍ
وفؤادٍ وَرَغْمُ أَنْفِ حَسُودِ

25. An ocean of knowledge on the morrow of an opponent's argument,
A towering forbearance like the crescent of Eid.

٢٥. بَحْرُ عِلْمٍ غَدَاةَ حُجّةِ خَصْمٍ
طُوْدُ حلمٍ هَلالُ ليلةِ عِيْدِ

26. If he competed with Suhban in eloquence
Suhban would end up faltering.

٢٦. لو يُبَاريَ سَحْبَانَ في مُحْكَمِ القوْ
لِ لأمْسَى سَحْبَانُ غَيْرَ سَدِيْدِ

27. Or he conversed with Abdul Hameed,
Marwan would be astounded by Abdul Hameed's eloquence.

٢٧. أو يَنَاجِي عبدَ الحميد لِمّا أعْ
جَبَ مَرْوَانَ لفظُ عبدِ الحمِيْدِ

28. O son of the mawla of Abu Nasr al-Sindi
The pillar of the enduring caliphate.

٢٨. يا ابن مَوْلَى أبي نَصْرٍ السِّنْ
دِيِّ رُكْنِ الخِلاَفَةِ المشْدُودِ

29. Combiner of the sword for the caliph
And the pen - glorify the master and extend help.

٢٩. جَامِعُ السَّيْفِ للخليْفِةِ والأق
لاَمِ أَعظِمْ بِسيِّدٍ ومَسُودِ

30. The dawn of Ar-Rashid witnessed upon your face
The blessed, auspicious birth.

٣٠. شَهدتْ غُرّةُ الرشيدِ على وج
هِكَ بالموْلدِ الزَّكِيِّ السَّعِيدِ

31. A resemblance to him in you was like
An inheritance to Solomon from David.

٣١. شَبَهٌ منهُ فِيْكَ كان كإِرْثٍ
لسليمان حِيْزٌ عَنْ دَاوُدِ

32. The glances of his eyes for benefit and harm
And his gestures for ferocity and kindness.

٣٢. كرُّ ألْحاظِهِ لنفعٍ وَضَرٍّ
وإشاراتُهُ لبأْسٍ وَجُودِ

33. And a tongue that gently draws out discretion
But if stirred says to the earth, "Be still."

٣٣. ولسان يَسْتَنْزِلُ العُصْمَ لِيْناً
فإذا اشتَدَّ قال للأَرْضِ مِيْدي

34. You have assumed your grandfather Abdullah's position among us
So honor his grandfather with lasting generosity.

٣٤. قُمْتَ فِيْنَا مَقَامَ جَدِّكَ عبد ال
لَّهِ أكْرِمْ بجدِّهِ في الجُدُودِ

35. If we asked you about the limits of Allah's Book
You clarified the ambiguities of the legal edicts.

٣٥. إنْ سألْنَاكَ عنْ حُدُودِ كتابِ ال
لَّهِ أوضحْتَ مُشْكِلاَتِ الحُدُودِ

36. Or if we heard Hadith from you, your chain of transmission
Is neither uncertain nor repudiated.

٣٦. أو سَمِعْنا مِنْكَ الحديثَ فَإِسْنا
دُكَ لا بالوَاهي ولا المرْدُودِ

37. Or we sought leadership and glory through you,
You supported us with honor and eternity.

٣٧. أو طَلَبْنَا بِكَ الرِّيَاسَةَ والجا
هَ عُضِدْنا بالعِزِّ والتأبِيْدِ

38. You do not consider my unemployment and the preoccupation of people
Busy with taxes or mail.

٣٨. ما تَرَى عُطْلَتي وكَثْرةَ قومٍ
شُغِلُوا بالخَرَاجِ أو بالبرِيْدِ

39. And if rivalry were proper for us
And the contest extended into the valley,

٣٩. وَلَو أنَّ الرِّهانَ يَحْسُنُ مِنَّا
وَتَمَادَى بِنَا المَدَى في صَعِيْدِ

40. We would take the quality of precedence below them
While they would come as if bound in shackles.

٤٠. لتَنَاوَلَتْ دونَهُمْ خَصْلَةَ السَّبْ
قِ وَجَاءُوا كأنَّهُمْ في قُيُودِ

41. My inkstand complains of emptiness and my pen
Thirsts for meadows and flowers.

٤١. ودَوَاتي تَشْكُو الفَرَاغَ وأقلا
مي ظِمَاءٌ حوائِمٌ للوُرُودِ

42. In lines lent by my grandfather al-Sindi
From the essence of himself engraved on coins.

٤٢. في سطورٍ أَعارَهَا جَدّي السِّنْ
دِيُّ من نقش نَفْسِهِ في النُّقُودِ

43. Every Nun is like the curve of a cheek following
An Alif like the stature of an outstretched palm tree.

٤٣. كلُّ نونٍ كَعَطْفَةِ الصُّدْغِ تَقْفُو
أَلِفاً مِثْلِ قَامَةِ المَقْدُودِ

44. And meanings like the crescent in white ink
In ink black like the darkest nights.

٤٤. وَمَعَانٍ مِثْلِ الأهِلَّةِ بيضٍ
في مداد مِثْلِ الليالي السود

45. Be my intercessor, for you are my intercessors
In this life and the eternal abode.

٤٥. كُنْ شَفِيْعي فأنتُمُ شُفَعَائي
في الحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَدَارَ الخُلُودِ

46. I have ceased composing, so even if you sought
More verses beyond what I composed, you would find no excess.

٤٦. سُدْتُ حتَّى لو ابْتَغَيْتَ مِزْيْداً
فوق ما سُدْتَ لَمْ تجد من مَزِيْدِ