1. The sweetest pleasures I have ever known
Were hours of joy and rapture I have flown,
١. أطيبُ ما نِلْتُ من اللَّذّاتِ
ومن سُرُورٍ مُعْجِبِ الأَوْقَاتِ
2. Intertwinings and articulations fine
In honey of the bees matured with wine,
٢. مُشَبِّكاتٌ وَمُفَصّلاتٌ
في عَسَلِ النّحْلِ مُشَرّبَاتِ
3. As though the choicest rubies of the mine
In clarity before me brightened and shone,
٣. كأنّ ما صُفِّفَ في الجاماتِ
إذا تَراءَتْ لي ماثِلاَتِ
4. Held each to each in order crystalline
By setting of most cunning artisan.
٤. قُضْبَانُ تِبْرٍ مُتَراكِباتِ
مُعَنْبَراتٍ ومكفَّرَاتِ