
She came with a lute, whose melody

جاءت بعود كأن نغمته

1. She came with a lute, whose melody
Was like the voice of a girl lamenting the absence of her beloved

١. جاءَتْ بعودٍ كأنّ نَغْمَتَهُ
صَوْتُ فَتَاةٍ تَشْكُو فِراقَ فتى

2. Subdued, souls became light for it
As if flowers bloomed around it

٢. مُخَفَّفٌ خَفَّتِ النفوسُ لَهُ
كأنّما الزّهْرُ حَوْلَهُ نَبَتا

3. Her fingers turned about it, and moved
Like intertwining hands that clasp

٣. دارَتْ مَلاَوِيهِ فِيهِ واخْتَلَفَتْ
مثلَ اختلافِ الكفَّيْنِ شُبِّكَتَا

4. If she strummed it chasing one who flees
On a fast steed, he would turn back

٤. لَوْ حرَّكَتْهُ وراء مُنْهَزِمٍ
عَلَى بَرِيدٍ لعاجَ والتَفَتَا

5. Oh, the beauty of their two voices, as if
They were two sisters conversing

٥. يا حُسْنَ صوتَيْهِما كَأَنّهُما
أُخْتَانِ في صَنْعَةٍ تَرَاسَلَتَا

6. And it takes his place if she falls silent
And it takes her place if the two fall silent

٦. وهُوَ على ذا ينوبُ إن سَكَتَتْ
عَنْهُ وَعَنْهُ تنوب إنْ سَكَتَا