
The nights kiss the heels of blessings,

بوسى الليالي عقيبة النعم

1. The nights kiss the heels of blessings,
And all delight leads to regret.

١. بُوسَى اللَّيَالي عَقِيْبَةُ النِّعَم
وَكُلُّ مَا غِبْطَةٍ إِلَى نَدَمِ

2. He who is tested by afflictions,
Death claims him; he who is heedless does not aspire.

٢. مَنْ سَاوَرَتْهُ الخُطُوبُ أَقْصَدَهُ
الحَتْفُ وَمَنْ أَغْفَلَتْهُ لَمْ يَرِمِ

3. All health leads to illness,
All vigor leads to frailty.

٣. وَكُلُّ مَا صِحَّةٍ إِلَى سَقَمٍ
وَكُلُّ مَاجِدَّةٍ إِلَى هِرَمِ

4. Death has an eye assigned
To the living that does not sleep or nod.

٤. وَلِلْمَنَايَا عَيْنٌ مُوَكَّلَةٌ
بِالْحَيِّ لَمْ تَغْتَمِضْ وَلَمْ تَنَمِ

5. What excuse remains for an archer
If, after the peacock, she fails to shoot an arrow?

٥. وَأَيُّ عُذْرٍ لِمُقْلَةٍ بَعْدَ
الطَّاوُوسُ عَنْهَا إِنْ لَمْ تَفِضْ بِدَمِ

6. I imagined it a garden of luxury never hearing
Of a garden that ambled on one foot.

٦. رُزِئْتُهُ رَوْضَةً تَرِفُّ وَلَمْ
أَسْمَعْ بِرَوْضٍ يَسْعَى عَلَى قَدَمِ

7. The mane of the zebras appears as if
The banners of glory were draped over it.

٧. جَثْلُ الدُّنَابِي كَأَنَّ سُنْدُسَةً
سُنَّتْ عَلَيْهِ مَوْشِيَّةَ العَلَمِ

8. Crowned with a creation endowed to him
By the Originator of miracles and wisdom.

٨. مُتَوَّجَاً خِلْقَةً حَبَاهُ بِهَا
ذُو الفِطَرِ المُعْجِزَاتِ وَالحِكَمِ

9. As if it prances erect
Building and elevating the glories of the non-Arabs.

٩. كَأَنَّهُ يَزْدَجِرْدُ مُنْتَصِبَاً
يَبْنِي فَيُعْلِي مَآثِرَ العَجَمِ

10. Its eyelids close and reveal
Two china cups in the darkness.

١٠. تَطْبِقُ أَجْفَانُهُ وَتَحْسِرُ عَنْ
فَصَّيْنِ يُسْتَصْبَحَانِ فِي الظُّلَمِ

11. It flirts with beauty so that
Its tail might follow without modesty.

١١. أَدَلَّ بِالْحُسْنِ فَاسْتَذَالَ لَهُ
ذَيْلاَ مِنَ الكِبْرِ غَيْرَ مُحْتَشِمِ

12. Then it walked with the gait of a bride, captivating
The onlooker, pleasing and smiling.

١٢. ثُمَّ مَشَى مِشْيَةَ العَرُوسِ فَمَنْ
مُسْتَطْرِفٍ مُعْجَبٍ وَمُبْتَسِمِ

13. The adornment of the dwellings was compensated for
Their spaciousness by the narrowness of the enclosure.

١٣. زَيْنُ صُحُونِ الدِّيَارِ عُوِّضَ مِنْ
فَسِيْحِهَا ضِيْقَ وَهْدَةَ الرَّجَمِ

14. Ruin has an ambition that plunders
All things precious and all things aspiring.

١٤. وَلِلرَّدَى هِمَّةٌ يَغُولُ بِهَا
كُلَّ نَفِيْسٍ وَكُلَّ ذِي هِمَمِ

15. As if what was illuminated by the jacinth
Was speckled with drops of dew.

١٥. كَأَنَّمَا الَّلازِوَرْدَ لَمَّعَةُ
وَنُقِّطَ الَّلازِوَرْدُ بِالْعَنَمِ

16. How excellent is patience in affliction and how
Beautiful is its preservation for one steadfast.

١٦. مَا أَحْسَنَ الصَّبْرَ فِي البَلاَءِ وَمَا
أَجْمَلَهُ عِصْمَةً لَمُعْتَصِمِ