
Your phantom came to me with your promise

قد جاد طيفك لي بوعدك

1. Your phantom came to me with your promise
And consoled me from your long estrangement

١. قد جاد طيفُك لي بِوَعْدِك
وَأَدَالَني من طُوْلِ صَدِّك

2. It came close, embracing me
And shook my cheek with your cheek

٢. ودنا إليَّ مُعانقاً
ومصافِحاً خَدّي بخدِّكْ

3. And I obtained from it what I desired
Thanks to your phantom, not to you

٣. وظفِرتُ مِنْكَ بِمَا هَوَيْ
تُ بحمدِ طَيْفكِ لا بِحَمْدِكْ

4. And I uncovered the veil of your body's radiance
From the openings of your cool cloud's cover

٤. وَهَتَكْتُ سِتْرَ ضِياءِ جِسْ
مِكَ من فُتُوقِ سحابِ بُرْدِكْ

5. And I untied the knot of its waist-wrap
As betrayal unties the knot of your affection

٥. وَحَلَلْتُ عَقْدَ إِزَارِهِ
حلَّ الخِيَانَةَ عَقْدَ وُدِّكْ

6. Oh my unjust tormentor
What did you intend by wronging your servant?

٦. يا ظالِمي مُتَجَنِّياً
ماذا أرَدْتَ بِظُلْمِ عَبْدِكْ

7. Why do you, who complain of shouldering fetters
Bear the burden of injustice, no indeed?

٧. لم تحمِلُ الظُّلمَ التقي
لَ وأَنْتَ تَشْكو حَمْلَ عِقْدِكْ

8. Why do I single you out for intimacy
While you reward me with your distance?

٨. ما لي أخصُّكَ بالدُّنُوْ
وِ وَأَنْتَ تَجْزِيْني بِبُعْدِكْ

9. As for the penis, it is
Learning from your past actions

٩. أمَّا القَضِيْبُ فَإِنَّهُ
مُتَعَلِّمٌ من فعل قَدِّكْ

10. And I see that your glance has an army
Harut is its captain of soldiers

١٠. وَأَرَى لِطَرْفِكَ عسكراً
هاروتُ فِيْهِ أميرُ جُنْدِلْ

11. Does not beauty get lost with you
While you in it are the web of loneliness?

١١. أفلا يَتِيْهُ بِكَ الجما
لُ وأنْتَ فيه نسيجُ وَحْدِكْ