
The body's wizenedness from the cold of old age

ململمات الجسم من صيخود

1. The body's wizenedness from the cold of old age
Masked in pieces of skin

١. مُلَمْلَمَاتُ الجسمِ من صيْخُودِ
مُقَنَّعَاتٌ قِطَعَ الجُلُودِ

2. Adorned with black threads
As if they were man's threats

٢. مُزَنَّرَاتٌ بخيوطٍ سود
كأنّها المرءُ مِنَ الوَعِيْدِ

3. Who has set down his forehead for prostration

٣. قد وضع اللُّمَّةَ للسُّجودِ