
She appeared with companions, for her are suitors

برزت وأتراب لها عرب

1. She appeared with companions, for her are suitors
So I began to turn my gaze towards her

١. بَرَزَتْ وأترابٌ لها عُرُبٌ
فَجَعَلْتُ أصْرِفُ نَحْوَهَا النّظَرَا

2. Each thinks that I will possess her
And God knows who is destined for us

٢. كلٌّ يُقَدِّرُ أنْ أَمْلِكَهُ
والله يعلمُ مَنْ لنا قُدِرَا

3. So I left them and inclined where I saw
The heart lean and the eyes gaze

٣. فَتَرَكْتُهُنَّ ومِلْتُ حيث رأَيْ
تُ القلبَ مالَ ووجّهَ البَصَرا

4. And I gained her intentionally without hesitation
Except my passion and the like are strings

٤. وَكَسَبْتُها عمداً بلا تِرَةِ
إلاّ هَوايَ ومثلُهُ وُتِرَا

5. She is their full moon and they are her stars
So why would I not choose the moon

٥. هي بَدْرُهُنّ وَهُنّ أنْجُمُهَا
فَعَلاَمَ لا أتَخَيّرُ القَمَرَا

6. But her owner chastises me
And judged poorly about me when he decided

٦. لكن مالكَهَا يُعَنّفُنِي
وَأَسَاء حُكْماً فيَّ إذ قَدَرَا

7. So tears flow and the heart tomorrow
In it the flames of longing flared up

٧. فالدَّمْعُ يَذْرُفُ والفؤاد غدا
فيه لهِيْبُ الشَّوْقِ فاسْتَعَرَا

8. Not with regret but mercy for a youth
I bequeathed him sorrows and thoughts

٨. لا حسرةً بل رحمةً لِرَشاً
أورثْتُهُ الأحزانَ والفِكْرَا

9. As for the day it is anxious and restless
And the night in it suffers from sleeplessness

٩. أما النهارُ فحائِرٌ قَلِقٌ
والليلُ فِيْهِ يَكَابِدُ السَّهَرا

10. Awaiting, hoping for my return
I sacrifice myself awaiting and awaited

١٠. مترقِبٌ يَرْجُو مُعَاوَدَتي
أفدِيْهِ مُنْتَظِراً ومُنْتَظِرا

11. And sees the gloating that I ceased from pursuing
Him until I gain victory

١١. ويرى شماتَةَ لا زِلْتُ عن طَلَبي
إياه حتى أرْزُقُ الظَّفَرَا