1. Write with your eloquence whoever you wish to satirize
For it is enough as anguish to the envious heart
١. ساجِلْ بفصِّك مَنْ أرَدْتَ وباهِهِ
فكفى به كدًّا لِقَلْبِ الحاسِدِ
2. In it the blade shines as if it were
The face of hospitality the morning after hosting a guest
٢. متألقٌ فيه الفِرْنَدُ كأنّه
وَجْهَيْ غداةِ قِرىً وَضَيْفٍ قاصدِ
3. If my thirst were quenched by it, it would be sated
By the cold, flowing water of its essence
٣. لو أن ظَمْأَي منه عُلَّتْ لارْتَوَتْ
من ماءِ جوهره المَعِيْنِ البَارِدِ
4. It dazzles the eyes with illumination in its blueness
As if I were imprinting it with a seal ring of sapphire
٤. بَهَرَ العُيُونَ إضاءةً في زُرْقَةٍ
فكأنّني مُتَخَتِّمٌ بعُطَارِدِ