1. A visitor came, and he was scented
With honey he enchanted, and amber he lent
١. وزائرٍ زارَ وَقَدْ تَعَطَّرا
أسَرّ شُهْداً وأَذَاعَ عَنْبَرَا
2. The swooning maids indulged themselves in his sugar
He breathes musk into noses, generous without rigor
٢. واستكْثَرَتْ منه اللّهاةُ سُكَّرَا
يَنْفُثُ في الآنُفِ مِسْكاً أذْفَرَا
3. Wrapped in yellow for the heat, a cloak light as a feather
Dyed with green silk, nothing better, he's dressed to impress all together
٣. مُلتحِفاً للحرّ ثَوْباً أَصْفَرا
مُعَمّداً مِنَ الحرِيْرِ أخْضَرا
4. Those who see him, if he pauses, think him a vision they can treasure
Dew drops glistened on his coat, glittering like facets cut and beveled
٤. يَظُنُّه الناظِرُ إنْ تَقَرَّرا
دَبّ الدَّبَى بِمَتْنِهِ فأثّرَا
5. Oh Abu Ali, summon him, for you to meet this marvel
And write to me, if I have lied, with witnesses assembled
٥. أبا عليٍّ فاحْضُرْنَهُ كيْ تَرى
واكْتُبْ عليّ إنْ كذبْتُ مَحْضَرَا