
I ransom with my life she who has burdened my heart

أفدي التي كلف الفؤاد من أجلها

1. I ransom with my life she who has burdened my heart
With the lute till it cured its turmoil

١. أفدي التي كلّف الفؤادُ من أجلِها
بالعودِ حتى شفّى إطرابا

2. She excelled in two crafts and showed
Arrogance for that and was self-admiring

٢. تاهَتْ بجمعِ صناعتَيْن وأظهرَتْ
كِبْراً بذاك وأُعْجِبَتْ إعجابا

3. She said, "I have favored you with singing while you
Do not chant," and we were like you writing

٣. قالت فضَّلتك بالغِناء وأنت لا
تَشْدو وكنّا مثلَكُم كتابا

4. So I busied myself with the strings until I left
No melody and did not neglect a reckoning for them

٤. فَعُنِيتُ بالأوتار حتى لم أدعْ
نَغَماً ولم أُغْفل لهُن حسابا

5. And I befriended it, so that was hard on my hand,
My pen, and she blamed me for blaming

٥. وأَلِفْتُها فأغار ذاك على يَدِي
قَلمي وعاتَبَها عليَّ عتابا

6. So I made the paper's side his chest
And I made the side of his weakness a plectrum

٦. فجعلتُ للقرطاس جانِبَ صدرهِ
وجعلتُ جانب عجزه مِضرابا