1. I was alone before you, then I was afflicted by one
Whose love the days would not praise me for
١. قَد كُنتُ قَبلَكِ خِلواً فَاِبتُليتُ بِمَن
لا أَحمَدُ الدَهرَ لي في حُبِّها حالا
2. She is the image of the world's flower illustrated
In the best of people, in retreat and advance
٢. مِثالُها زَهرَةُ الدُنِّيا مُصَوَّرَةً
في أَحسَنِ الناسِ إِدباراً وَإِقبالا
3. I entrust my eye from her whenever a face
Of beauty emerges that meets no misfortune
٣. أَستَودِعُ العَينَ مِنها كُلَّما بَرَزَت
وَجهاً مِنَ الحُسنِ لا تَلقى لَهُ بالا
4. So the eye sees nothing it rejoices in
Until you see what I have entrusted as an image
٤. فَالعَينُ لَيسَت تَرى شَيئاً تُسَرُّ بِهِ
حَتّى تَرينَ لِما اِستَودَعتُ تِمثالا
5. Sleep from love, I from you am in wakefulness
Sleep has become dear, and care has stirred confusion
٥. نامي عَنِ الحُبِّ إِنّي مِنكِ في سَهَرٍ
غالَ الرُقادَ وَأَحذى القَلبَ بَلبالا
6. No night was long with your mention that kept me awake
Your love is longer than my night though it be long
٦. ما طالَ لَيلٌ بِهِ ذِكراكِ أَرَّقَني
هَواكِ أَطوَلُ مِن لَيلي وَإِن طالا
7. Remember that I forgot our covenant the night
When in intimacies we fear no anklet
٧. تَذَكَّري أَنَّني نَسيتُ العَهدَ لَيلَتَنا
إِذ لا نُراقِبُ في الأَسرارِ خَلخالا
8. And we do not fear the words of one envious over us
Except suspicions from a trinket when it rings
٨. وَلا نَخافُ عَلَينا قَولَ ذي حَسَدٍ
إِلّا الوَساوِسَ مِن حَلى إِذا جالا