1. Do not leave me to pining, for I am not baptized and forbidden from loving pretty, slender maidens. Had I wanted, I would have returned to the lads and gone walking as the eyes contemplate me, but time has slipped me by, tightly trussed up.
Ask the night of separation - did I spend all of its last hours awake under the breeze of the rustling, sighing branches? I scratched it with the saliva of wine, and it unraveled the two fabrics woven between what is loosened and what is tied.
١. لا تَدعُ بي الشَوقَ إِني غَيرُ مَعمودِ
نَهى النُهى عَن هَوى الهَيفِ الرَعاديدِ
2. Both the old and the new have been fed from its register. Had anyone lived to old age and immortality, one who arrives as a companion to gray hair, though appearing in an unfamiliar form, not bent over.
I do not combine maturity and gray hair which has lodged itself in my soul, longing for the water from the vine?s canes. Neither reproof nor old age kept me from it, rather I awakened while my branch was still not dried out.
٢. لَو شِئتُ لا شِئتُ راجَعتُ الصِبى وَمَشَت
فِيَّ العُيونُ وَفاتَتني بِمَجلودِ
3. Wisdom was true to me and propriety straightforwardly led me away from wasting my youth without spoiling it.
When hardships turn away from a land, I contend over a land without heeding preparation. Do not lull me away from the effort of my quest, nor do I incline towards anything non-existent.
٣. سَل لَيلَةَ الخَيفِ هَل أَمضَيتُ آخِرَها
بِالراحِ تَحتَ نَسيمِ الخُرَّدِ الغيدِ
4. And an ignorant man, like the sweep of a sword held back from the witnesses, wailing and screaming the deserts with neighing, pacing, and prodding.
The winds carry it away, distraught, confused, taking refuge in the bosoms of skulls. With its text held back, it does not take the path except to slip through slowly after exertion.
٤. شَجَّجتُها بِلُعابِ المُزنِ فَاِغتَزَلَت
نَسجَينِ مِن بَينِ مَحلولٍ وَمَعقودٍ
5. I raced my steed away from the perilous, noble coursers, traversing the darknesses and the easy pass of al-Mahriyyah. They stretch the daytime, and night folds it over, spending the night folded over the foreheads of scorpions.
Like the howdahs of camels, far from the place of descent, when the singing women descends a hand into every wailing overseer. They lodged with Dawood, so he hurried them along, cautious of slipping in the sandals and prodding.
٥. كِلا الجَديدَينِ قَد أُطعِمَتُ حَبرَتَهُ
لَو آلَ حَيٌّ إِلى عُمرٍ وَتَخليدِ
6. He granted and exhausted the hopes? least gift, and strained the promise with unmatched success. And God extinguished the fire of war when it was kindled in the east, Dawood.
No command came to him, nor did any event appear but that he was granted success and guidance. Unified in opinion, doubts separate for him from everything ambiguous and knotted among them.
٦. أَهلاً بِوافِدَةٍ لِلشَيبِ واحِدَةٍ
وَإِن تَراءَت بِشَخصٍ غَيرِ مَودودِ
7. Favors are wished for him in respects of their aspects, even if he took a path never trod. When the inviolability of a people permits punishment by him, he forgives a people with fortresses.
He is like a lion - rather the lion is like him - when the sword sings a song not of birds, he meets types of deaths like the torrent, hurling boulders against boulders.
٧. لا أَجمَعُ الحِلمَ وَالصَهباءَ قَد سَكَنَت
نَفسي إِلى الماءِ عَن ماءِ العَناقيدِ
8. If the spear falls short, the battle does not advance ranks, or the sword limps, it does not resolve with mending.
When he defends a land, he brings down its springs, even if built upon barrenness and alienation. He runs and overtakes, not harsh in his slowness, and he captures souls of the quick in trust.
٨. لَم يَنهَني فَنَدٌ عَنها وَلا كِبَرٌ
لَكِن صَحَوتُ وَغُصني غَيرَ مَخضودِ
9. The family of al-Muhallab, a people who will always have the clamor of battle and the captive women of the conquered. Victorious, war strikes their own souls when fleeing wraps itself in winding paths.
Pure-bred colts whose successive generations have never lacked a youth hoped for to affirm or confirm. A people whom, when calm, their swords complain, for they are the intellect of the thickets of cane.
٩. أَوفى بِيَ الحِلمُ وَاِقتادَ النُهى طَلَقاً
شَأوى وَعِفتُ الصِبا مِن غَيرِ تَفنيدِ
10. My soul ransom you O Dawood when the hands of evil took hold of the forelocks of the steeds led to water. You cured the illness that afflicted them, and by your hand, death took revenge on warring people.
It filled the land with panic and emptied its strongholds of all who glance with lofty eyes, formidable. When you descended on the nearest part of their lands, the furthest extremities surrendered to you.
١٠. إِذا تَجافَت بِيَ الهِمّاتُ عَن بَلَدٍ
نازَعتُ أَرضاً وَلَم أَحفِل بِتَمهيدِ
11. You touched them with a hand connected to pardon, by it evil fluctuates between softness and firmness. You came upon them from beyond security, rising with the horses racing with stalwart heroes.
And on the heels of those who fled from war fear raced with them matching them in every valley. They escaped evil but the causes of death sought them while you set up the causes of death unsolicited.
١١. لا تَطَّبيني المُنى عَن جَهدِ مُطَّلَبٍ
وَلا أَحولُ لِشَيءٍ غَيرِ مَوجودِ
12. Had a judge lingered for it, it would have been seen from him but an enemy cut it short. Fate spared what could scarcely be spared so he passed, folding over the entrails of the hollow.
And you set the head of Mihr?n in its rightful place, sufficient for the position of lion and hero. He had been isolated until you sent to him the mother of death amongst her sons, prey.
١٢. وَمَجهَلٍ كَاطِّرادِ السَيفِ مُحتَجِزٍ
عَنِ الأَدِلّاءِ مَسجورِ الصَياخيدِ
13. Did the disgraces coerce him into surrender to the edge of a sword that would lead its holder to ruin? You joined him with his two companions, and a blow separated them striking the thickets of reeds.
He excuses whoever fled from a war you remained patient for on the day of al-Husayn, flags unfurled. The day Sijistan rallied its factions against you, from a seeker of glory and one who knots a cord.
١٣. تَمشي الرِياحُ بِهِ حَسرى مُوَلَّهَةً
حَيرى تَلوذُ بِأَكنافِ الجَلاميدِ
14. You confronted them, warding off Islam?s attackers, clanging against it thirty and some weaponry. You are generous with a soul though stingy towards it, and generosity of soul is the utmost extent of generosity!
Those banners - when the guide was lost with them, the aim did not miss them from the swords of Dawood. Al-Husayn had hoped to gain them until you unleashed the mountain paths upon him.
١٤. مُوَقَّفِ المَتنِ لا تَمضي السَبيلَ بِهِ
إِلّا التَخَلُّلَ رَيثاً بَعدَ تَجهيدِ
15. He did not stop raving madness and betraying it until a stick was fully unleashed upon a stick. You placed him where the winds doubt him, and the birds envy the hyenas over him in it.
The predators approach so their eyes pelt him while the atmosphere inhales aromas from his decomposition. They track his remains for a stretch and his position while juices from him congeal into a corpse.
١٥. قَرَيتُهُ الوَخدَ مِن خَطّارَةٍ سُرُحٍ
تَفري الفَلاةَ بِإِرقالٍ وَتَوخيدِ
16. So he mixed with a people whose livestock was destined to the land of Z?dh?n dispersed amongst the meadows. On the day of Jur?shah when Shayb?n raised a terrifying din they escaped you by a trickle that you allowed.
You flushed him out with the son of Sufy?n so for him there was praise that day with the absent as witness. He escaped briefly and the warning of his raiders reached him: an ill-omened bird and good omen.
١٦. إِلَيكَ بادَرتُ إِسفارَ الصَباحِ بِها
مِن جِنحِ لَيلٍ رَحيبِ الباعِ مَمدودِ
17. He turned away after drinking deeply the cups of calamity while alive from fear of death, unmourned. His feeble-mindedness left the breast of the steady, close in stance, far-reaching in chest, perfectly composed.
When swords strike him he is severed in a bedchamber by the hooves of cavalry, stretched out. With that which he has been endowed in the way of succession he pays the fee of racing back and forth, with a bare rugged horselet.
١٧. وَبَلدَةٍ ذاتِ غَولٍ لا سَبيلَ بِها
إِلّا الظُنونُ وَإِلّا مَسرَحُ السيدِ
18. The banner dropped so its bearer took refuge in the harem, seeking refuge in the harem of the dusty earth. Even if war was like it though subsided: seeking refuge in a place without discord, and no discord!
You made example of each according to the nature of his scheme: killing and fell him in a place unburied. They disobeyed your approval so their disobedience of you returned death upon their appointed time of death.
١٨. كَأَنَّ أَعلامَها وَالآلُ يَركَبُها
بُدنٌ تَوافى بِها نَذرٌ إِلى عيدِ
19. While you were in Sindh when the outcry arose in it and its war exhausted the strategies of competitors, and the people held out a brimming cup of their blood while death hovered insistently with weapons and combatants.
You repulsed its farthest domains defeated, and you exulted at daybreak over the secrets of the observers. You had been the confederate until their wise man doubted then you broke away and were not preceded in empowerment.
١٩. كَلَّفتُ أَهوالَها عَيناً مُؤَرَّقةً
إِلَيكَ لَولاكَ لَم تُكحَل بِتَسهيدِ
20. You do not accept peace except from a position of strength, and you incline towards none except after decisiveness. Until they answered you from one seeking safety, wary and hoping for fortune and felicity, preservation and smoothed.
The familiarity they offered over hostility has cost them souls spread in diverse servants quarters and in your hands are remnants of their grandeur - they are before you on a promise and threat!
٢٠. حَتّى أَتَتكَ بِيَ الآمالُ مُطَّلِعاً
لِليُسرِ عِندَكَ في سِربالِ مَحسودِ
21. If you pardon them then you are the people of pardon but if you enforce retribution then the matter is irrevocable. Listen! You have incited a battle and ransomed souls of champions from it.
Hurl Ab? M?lik into it that he may prove himself through it and strive with diligence from you redoubled. By your resolve he proceeds or by your glory he flows or by your limit, each unlimited!
٢١. مِن بَعدِ ما أَلقَتِ الأَيّامُ لي عَرَضاً
مُلقى رَهينٍ لِحَدِّ السَيفِ مَصفودِ
22. Do not deny protection to the land of Islam from a king whose head you have set up after empowerment. Sufficient were you in kingship until none stood over loss, and none sorrowed over missing.
You gave them sincere advice with nothing like it in requital, and they supported you with a pillar unshaken. Time has never again sent a day but that you rose for it with might and generosity.
٢٢. وَساوَرَتني بَناتُ الدَهرِ فَاِمتَحَنَت
رَبعي بِمُمحِلَةٍ شَهباءَ جارودِ
23. God prolonged for you the days of life upon goodly deeds and ever-streaming with no banks generosity. Religion will never lack for horsemen with you as leader relied upon in every unconquered border territory.
Burden bearing when their war spoils return and vanguards of victory and aid. There! You are one sought by all petitioners: magnanimity. And you are the asylum of all outcasts. You reiterate praise in an epoch whose firsts are stamped with goodly deeds from you.
٢٣. إِلى بَني حاتِمٍ أَدّى رَكائِبَنا
خَوضُ الدُجى وَسُرى المَهرِيَّةِ القُودِ
24. When you determine to command you subdue with it, even if you attain, no silencing transpirations. You have accustomed yourself to ways you were created for: honest speech and fulfilling promises.
٢٤. تَطوي النَهارَ فَإِن لَيلٌ تَخَمَّطَها
باتَت تَخَمَّطُ هاماتِ القَراديدِ
٢٥. مِثلَ السَمامِ بَعيداتِ المَقيلِ إِذا
أَلقى الهَجيرُ يَداً في كُلِّ صَيخودِ
٢٦. حَلَّت بِداوُدَ فَاِمتاحَت وَأَعجَلَها
حَذرُ النِعالِ عَلى أَينٍ وَتَحريدِ
٢٧. أَعطى فَأَفنى المُنى أَدنى عَطِيَّتِهِ
وَأَرهَقَ الوَعدَ نُجحاً غَيرَ مَنكودِ
٢٨. وَاللَهُ أَطفَأَ نارَ الحَربِ إِذ سُعِرَت
شَرقاً بِمُوقِدِها في الغَربِ داوُدِ
٢٩. لَم يَأتِ أَمراً وَلَم يَظهُر عَلى حَدَثٍ
إِلّا أُعينَ بِتَوفيقٍ وَتَسديدِ
٣٠. مُوَحَّدُ الرَأيِ تَنشَقُّ الظُنونُ لَهُ
عَن كُلِّ مُلتَبِسٍ مِنها وَمَعقودِ
٣١. تُمنى الأُمورُ لَهُ مِن نَحوِ أَوجُهِها
وَإِن سَلَكنَ سَبيلاً غَيرَ مَورودِ
٣٢. إِذا أَباحَت حِمى قَومٍ عُقوبَتُهُ
غادى لَهُ العَفوُ قَوماً بِالمَراصيدِ
٣٣. كَاللَيثِ بَل مِثلُهُ اللَيثُ الهَصورُ إِذا
غَنّى الحَديدُ غِناءً غَيرَ تَغريدِ
٣٤. يَلقى المَنِيَّةَ في أَمثالِ عُدَّتِها
كَالسَيلِ يَقذِفُ جُلموداً بِجُلمودِ
٣٥. إِذا قَصّرَ الرُمحُ لَم يَمشِ الخُطا عَدَداً
أَو عَرَّدَ السَيفُ لَم يَهمُم بِتَعريدِ
٣٦. إِذا رَعى بَلَداً دانى مَناهِلَهُ
وَإِن بُنينَ عَلى شَحطٍ وَتَبعيدِ
٣٧. جَرى فَأَدرَكَ لَم يَعنُف بِمُهلَتِهِ
وَاِستَودَعَ البُهرَ أَنفاسَ المَجاويدِ
٣٨. آلُ المُهَلَّبِ قَومٌ لا يَزالُ لَهُم
رِقُّ الصَريحِ وَأَسلابُ المَذاويدِ
٣٩. مُظَفَّرونَ تُصيبُ الحَربُ أَنفُسَهُم
إِذا الفِرارُ تَمَطّى بِالمَحاييدِ
٤٠. نَجلٌ مَناجيبُ لَم يَعدَم تِلادُهُمُ
فَتىً يُرَجّى لِنَقضٍ أَو لِتَوكيدِ
٤١. قَومٌ إِذا هَدأَةٌ شامَت سُيوفَهُمُ
فَإِنَّها عُقُلُ الكومِ المَقاحيدِ
٤٢. نَفسي فِداؤكَ يا داودُ إِذ عَلِقَت
أَيدي الرَدى بِنَواصي الضُمَّرِ القودِ
٤٣. داوَيتَ مِن دائِها كَرمانَ وَاِنتَصَفَت
بِكَ المَنونُ لِأَقوامٍ مَجاهيدِ
٤٤. مَلَأنَها فَزَعاً أَخلى مَعاقِلَها
مِن كُلِّ أَبلَخَ سامي الطَرفِ صِنديدِ
٤٥. لَمّا نَزَلتَ عَلى أَدنى بِلادِهِمُ
أَلقى إِلَيكَ الأَقاصي بِالمَقاليدِ
٤٦. لَمَستَهُم بِيَدٍ لِلعَفوِ مُتَّصِلٍ
بِها الرَدى بَينَ تَليينٍ وَتَشديدِ
٤٧. أَتَيتَهُم مِن وَراءِ الأَمنِ مُطَّلِعاً
بِالخَيلِ تَردى بِأَبطالٍ مَناجيدِ
٤٨. وَطارَ في إِثرِ مَن طارَ الفِرارُ بِهِ
خَوفٌ يُعارِضُهُ في كُلِّ أُخدودِ
٤٩. فاتوا الرَدى وَظُباتُ المَوتِ تَنشُدُهُم
وَأَنتَ نَصبُ المَنايا غَيرُ مَنشودِ
٥٠. وَلَو تَلَبَّثَ دَيّانٌ لَها رَوِيَت
مِنهُ وَلَكِن شَآها عَدوَ مَزؤودِ
٥١. أَحرَزَهُ أَجَلٌ ما كادَ يُحرِزُهُ
فَمَرَّ يَطوي عَلى أَحشاءِ مَفؤودِ
٥٢. وَرَأسُ مِهرانَ قَد رَكَّبتَ قُلَّتَهُ
لَدناً كَفاهُ مَكانَ اللَيثِ وَالجيدِ
٥٣. قَد كانَ في مَعزِلٍ حَتّى بَعَثتَ لَهُ
أُمَّ المَنِيَّةِ في أَبنائِها الصيدِ
٥٤. أَجُنَّ أَم أَسلَمَتهُ الفاضِحاتُ إِلى
حَدٍّ مِنَ السَيفِ مَن يَعلَق بِهِ يودِ
٥٥. أَلحَقتَهُ صاحِبَيهِ فَاِستَمرَّ بِهِم
ضَربٌ يُفَرِّقُ ضَبّاتِ القَماحيدِ
٥٦. أَعذَرَ مَن فَرَّ مِن حَربٍ صَبَرتَ لَها
يَومَ الحُصَينِ شِعارٌ غَيرُ مَجحودِ
٥٧. يَومَ اِستَضَبَّت سِجِستانٌ طَوائِفَها
عَلَيكَ مِن طالِبٍ وِتراً وَمَحقودِ
٥٨. ناهَضتَهُم ذائِدَ الإِسلامِ تَقرَعُهُم
عَنهُ ثُلاثَ وَمَثنى بِالمَواحيدِ
٥٩. تَجودُ بِالنَفسِ إِذ أَنتَ الضَنينُ بِها
وَالجودُ بِالنَفسِ أَقصى غايَةِ الجودِ
٦٠. تِلكَ الأَزارِقُ إِذ ضَلَّ الدَليلُ بِها
لَم يُخطِها القَصدُ مِن أَسيافِ داودِ
٦١. كانَ الحُصَينُ يُرَجِّي أَن يَفوزَ بِها
حَتّى أَخَذتَ عَلَيهِ بِالأَخاديدِ
٦٢. ما زالَ يَعنُفُ بِالنُعمى وَيَغمِطُها
حَتّى اِستَقَلَّ بِهِ عودٌ عَلى عودِ
٦٣. وَضَعتَهُ حَيثُ تَرتابُ الرِياحُ بِهِ
وَتَحسُدُ الطَيرَ فيهِ أَضبُعُ البيدِ
٦٤. تَغدو الضَواري فَتَرميهِ بِأَعيُنِها
تَستَنشِقُ الجَوَّ أَنفاساً بِتَصعيدِ
٦٥. يَتبَعنَ أَفياءَهُ طَوراً وَمَوقِعَهُ
يَلَغنَ في عَلَقٍ مِنهُ وَتَجسيدِ
٦٦. فَكانَ فارِطَ قَومٍ حانَ مَكرَعُهُم
بِأَرضِ زاذانَ شَتّى في المَواريدِ
٦٧. يَومَ جُراشَةَ إِذ شَيبانُ موجِفَةٌ
يَنجونَ مِنكَ بِشِلوٍ مِنهُ مَقدودِ
٦٨. زاحَفتَهُ بِاِبنِ سُفيانَ فَكانَ لَهُ
ثَناءُ يَومٍ بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ مَشهودِ
٦٩. نَجا قَليلاً وَوافى زَجرُ عائِفِهِ
بِيَومِهِ طَيرَ مَنحوسٍ وَمَسعودِ
٧٠. وَلّى وَقَد جَرَعَت مِنهُ القَنى جُرَعاً
حَيَّ المَخافَةِ مَيتاً غَيرَ مَوؤودِ
٧١. زالَت خُشاشَتُهُ عَن صَدرِ مُعتَدِلٍ
داني الكُعوبِ بَعيدَ الصَدرِ أُملودِ
٧٢. إِذا السُيوفُ أَصابَتهُ تَقَطَّعَ في
سُرادِقٍ بِحَوامي الخَيلِ مَمدودِ
٧٣. يَفدي بِما نَحَلَتهُ مِن خِلافَتِهِ
حُشاشَةَ الرَكضِ مِن جَرداءَ قَيدودِ
٧٤. حَلَّ اللِواءَ وَخالَ الخِدرَ عائِذَهُ
فَعاذَ بِالخِدرِ تِربُ الكاعِبِ الرُوَدِ
٧٥. وَإِن يَكُن شَبَّها حَرباً وَقَد خَمَدَت
فَنائِياً حَيثُ لا هَيدٍ وَلا هيدِ
٧٦. كُلٌّ مَثَلتَ بِهِ في مِثلِ خُطَّتِهِ
قَتلاً وَأَضجَعتَهُ في غَيرِ مَلحودِ
٧٧. عافوا رِضاكَ فَعاقَتهُم بِعَقوَتِهِم
عَنِ الحَياةِ مَناياهُم لِمَوعودِ
٧٨. وَأَنتَ بِالسِندِ إِذ هاجَ الصَريخُ بِها
وَاِستَنفَدَت حَربُها كَيدَ المَكاييدِ
٧٩. وَاِستَغزَرَ القَومُ كَأساً مِن دِمائِهِمُ
وَأَحدَقَ المَوتُ بِالكُرّارِ وَالحيدِ
٨٠. رَدَدتَ أَهمالَها القُصوى مُخَيَّسَةً
وَشِمتَ بِالبيضِ عَوراتِ المَراصيدِ
٨١. كُنتَ المُهَلَّبَ حَتّى شَكَّ عالِمُهُم
ثُمَّ اِنفَرَدتَ وَلَم تُسبَق بِتَسويدِ
٨٢. لَم تَقبَلِ السِلمَ إِلّا بَعدَ مَقدِرَةٍ
وَلا تَأَلَّفتَ إِلّا بَعدَ تَبديدِ
٨٣. حَتّى أَجابوكَ مِن مُستَأمِنٍ حَذِرٍ
راجٍ وَمُنتَظِرٍ حَتفاً وَمَثمودِ
٨٤. أَهدى إِلَيكَ عَلى الشَحناءِ أُلفَتَهُم
مَوتٌ تَفَرَّقَ في شَتّى عَباديدِ
٨٥. وَفي يَدَيكَ بَقايا مِن سَراتِهِمُ
هُمُ لَدَيكَ عَلى وَعدٍ وَتَوعيدِ
٨٦. إِن تَعفُ عَنهُم فَأَهلُ العَفوِ أَنتَ وَإِن
تُمضِ العِقابَ فَأَمرٌ غَيرُ مَردودِ
٨٧. إِسمَع فَإِنَّكَ قَد هَيَّجتَ مَلحَمَةً
وَفَدتَ مِنها بِأَرواحِ الصَناديدِ
٨٨. اِقذِف أَبا مَلِكٍ فيها يَكُنكَ بِها
وَيَسعَ فيها بِجَدٍّ مِنكَ مَجدودِ
٨٩. يَمضي بِعَزمِكَ أَو يَجري بِشَأوِكَ أَو
يَفري بِحَدِّكَ كَلٌّ غَيرُ مَحدودِ
٩٠. لا يَعدَمنَكَ حِمى الإِسلامِ مِن مَلِكٍ
أَقَمتَ قُلَّتَهُ مِن بَعدِ تَأويدِ
٩١. كَفَيتَ في المُلكِ حَتّى لَم يَقِف أَحَدٌ
عَلى ضَياعٍ وَلَم يَحزَن لِمَفقودِ
٩٢. أَعطَيتَهُم مِنكَ نُصحاً لا كَفاءَ لَهُ
وَأَيَّدوكَ بِرُكنٍ غَيرَ مَهدودِ
٩٣. لَم يَبعَثِ الدَهرُ يَوماً بَعدَ لَيلَتِهِ
إِلّا اِنبَعَثتَ لَهُ بِالبَأسِ وَالجودِ
٩٤. أَجرى لَكَ اللَهُ أَيّامَ الحَياةِ عَلى
فِعلٍ حَميدٍ وَجَدٍّ غَيرِ مَنكودِ
٩٥. لا يَفقِدِ الدينُ خَيلاً أَنتَ قائِدُها
يُعهَدنَ في كُلِّ ثَغرٍ غَيرِ مَعهودِ
٩٦. مُحَمَّلاتٍ إِذا آبَت غَنائِمُها
وَمُقدِماتٍ عَلى نَصرٍ وَتَأيِيدِ
٩٧. هُناكَ أَنَّكَ مَغدى كُلِّ مُلتَمِسٍ
جوداً وَأَنَّكَ مَأوى كُلِّ مَطرودِ
٩٨. تَستَأنِفُ الحَمدَ في دَهرٍ أَوائِلُهُ
مَوسومَةٌ بِفَعالٍ مِنكَ مَحمودِ
٩٩. إِذا عَزَمتَ عَلى أَمرٍ بَطَشتَ بِهِ
وَإِن أَنَلتَ فَنَيلاً غَيرَ تَصريدِ
١٠٠. عَوَّدتَ نَفسَكَ عاداتٍ خُلِقتَ لَها
صِدقَ الحَديثِ وَإِنجازَ المَواعيدِ