
A grave in Baradha'ah has concealed its tomb

قبر ببرذعة استسر ضريحه

1. A grave in Baradha'ah has concealed its tomb
A danger before which all dangers are diminished

١. قَبرٌ بِبَرذَعَةَ اِستَسَرَّ ضَريحُهُ
خَطَراً تَقاصَرُ دونَهُ الأَخطارُ

2. A term competed over by the doves and a pit
Your face blew upon with full force

٢. أَجَلٌ تَنافَسَهُ الحِمامُ وَحُفرَةٌ
نَفِسَت عَلَيها وَجهَكَ الأَحفارُ

3. The days have persisted bitterly after him
With a sadness equal to the age of time that cannot be blamed

٣. أَبقى الزَمانُ عَلى مَعَدٍّ بَعدَهُ
حَزناً كَعُمرِ الدَهرِ لَيسَ يُعارُ

4. Hopes were scattered by you, mansions of prosperity
And the cities reclaimed their disputes

٤. نَفَضَت بِكَ الآمالُ أَحلاسَ الغِنى
وَاِستَرجَعَت نُزّاعَها الأَمصارُ

5. The Arabs traveled by you the path to glory
Until, when ruin overtook you, they were confused

٥. سَلَكَت بِكَ العَرَبُ السَبيلَ إِلى العُلا
حَتّى إِذا سَبَقَ الرَدى بِكَ حاروا

6. So go just as the valleys of Muzaynah went
Praised by the plains and rugged lands

٦. فَاِذهب كَما ذَهَبَت غَوادي مُزنَةٍ
أَثنى عَلَيها السَهلُ وَالأَوعارُ