1. Turn the cup of wine around,
And ask not of me, but ask the cup about my state,
١. أَديري عَلى الراحِ ساقِيَةَ الخَمرِ
وَلا تَسأَليني وَاِسأَلي الكَأسَ عَن أَمري
2. As though you had unveiled what lay hidden within me,
Yours is the cup until it made you privy to my secret.
٢. كَأَنَّكِ بي قَد أَظهَرَت مُضمَرَ الحَشا
لَكِ الكَأسُ حَتّى أَطلَعَتكِ عَلى سِرّي
3. I feared the wind would provoke me
And a cup would speak for my tongue without my knowing,
٣. وَقَد كُنتُ أَقلى الراحَ أَن يَستَفِزَّني
فَتَنطِقَ كَأسٌ عَن لِساني وَلا أَدري
4. But I gave control to a steersman still young,
Who led the ships of wantonness with lowered veils.
٤. وَلَكِنَّني أَعطَيتُ مِقوَدِيَ الصِبى
فَقادَ بَناتِ اللَهوِ مَخلوعَةَ العُذرِ
5. When I wish, the morn of passion comes to meet me,
Or if I wish the eve of wine pays me a visit.
٥. إِذا شِئتُ غاداني صُبوحٌ مِنَ الهَوى
وَإِن شِئتُ ماساني غُبوقٌ مِنَ الخَمرِ
6. I left not fixing my eyes for a single glance,
Convinced the eye is a betrayer of my secret.
٦. ذَهَبتُ وَلَم أُحَدِد بِعَينِيَ نَظرَةً
وَأَيقَنتُ أَنَّ العَينَ هاتِكَةٌ سِتري
7. We made glances of affection between us
Snares to catch a tender moment, subtler than sorcery,
٧. جَعَلنا عَلاماتِ المَوَدَّةِ بَينَنا
مَصايِدَ لَحظٍ هُنَّ أَخفى مِنَ السِحرِ
8. So through them I recognise union in the softness of their look
And through them I recognise estrangement in their cold glance
٨. فَأَعرِفُ مِنها الوَصلَ في لينِ طَرفِها
وَأَعرِفُ مِنها الهَجرَ بِالنَظَرِ الشَزرِ
9. Each day I dread their rejection
So I sleep a sinner and wake absolved,
٩. وَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ خَشيَةٌ مِن صُدودِها
أَبيتُ عَلى ذَنبٍ وَأَغدو عَلى عُذرِ
10. And like waves crashing, the high seas hurl their foam,
With the rattle that pains the prudent and the heedless,
١٠. وَمُلتَطِمُ الأَمواجِ يَرمي عُبابُهُ
بِجَرجَرَةِ الآذِيِّ لِلعِبرِ فَالعِبرِ
11. Embedded in them are whales that vanish and emerge
To feast on provisions from a wreck or broken parts,
١١. مُطَعَّمَةٍ حِيتانُهُ ما يُغِبُّها
مَآكِلُ زادٍ مِن غَريقٍ وَمِن كَسرِ
12. When the south wind embraces them, their maidens assemble,
Or they stand with the wind, ceasing their flow,
١٢. إِذا اِعتَنَقَت فيهِ الجَنوبُ تَكَفَّأَت
جَواريهِ أَو قامَت مَعَ الريحِ لا تَجري
13. As though the swell traversing their sides
Were a youth wandering among the reddish sand dunes
١٣. كَأَنَّ مَدَبَّ المَوجِ في جَنَباتِها
مَدَبُّ الصَبا بَينَ الوِعاثِ مِنَ العُفرِ
14. I unveiled the dark horrors and saw the unknown
In a carried maiden, pregnant, never wed,
١٤. كَشَفتُ أَهاويلَ الدُجى عَن مَهولِهِ
بِجارِيَةٍ مَحمولَةٍ حامِلٍ بِكرِ
15. The billows have lashed her cheeks until
Her lips stood still and her throat was slit
١٥. لَطَمتُ بِخَدَّيها الحَبابُ فَأَصبَحَت
مُوَقَّفَةَ الداياتِ مَرتومَةَ النَحرِ
16. When she comes, she is watched by a gazelle's neck
And when she leaves by a pair of eagles' tails
١٦. إِذا أَقبَلَت راعَت بِقُنَّةِ قَرهَبٍ
وَإِن أَدبَرَت راقَت بِقادِمَتَي نَسرِ
17. The captain keeps away from her as though
He walks cautiously down a rough mountain
١٧. تَجافى بِها النوتيُّ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
يَسيرُ مِنَ الإِشفاقِ في جَبَلٍ وَعرِ
18. She disappears behind the waves' face
Hidden by a veil behind a veil,
١٨. تَجَلَّجُ عَن وَجهِ الحَبابِ كَما اِنثَنَت
مُخَبَّأَةٌ مِن كِسرِ سِترٍ إِلى سِترِ
19. She emerged with two oars flanking her
As the bridle's curb checked her from behind
١٩. أَطَلَّت بِمِجذافينِ يَعتوِرانِها
وَقَوَّمَها كَبحُ اللِجامِ مِنَ الدُبرِ
20. She hovered briefly then passed as though
An eagle that swooped down from the sky to its nest
٢٠. فَحامَت قَليلاً ثُمَّ مَرَّت كَأَنَّها
عُقابٌ تَدَلَّت مِن هَواءٍ عَلى وَكرِ
21. Her guide managed her, pulling her reins taut,
His grip firm, his back sturdy,
٢١. أَنافَ بِهاديها وَمَدَّ زِمامَها
شَديدُ عِلاجِ الكَفِّ مُعتَمِلُ الظَهرِ
22. If she disobeyed, her stallion eased for her
Making her his, though she knew it not,
٢٢. إِذا ما عَصَت أَرخى الجَريرُ لِرَأسِها
فَمَلَّكَها عِصيانَها وَهيَ لا تَدري
23. As though when the breeze met her
It told tales of a bride's walk to the bridal chamber
٢٣. كَأَنَّ الصَبا تَحكي بِها حينَ واجَهَت
نَسيمَ الصَبا مَشيَ العَروسِ إِلى الخِدرِ
24. We rode the night for four parts of the night
And she arrived at the sixth with little time before dawn
٢٤. يَمَمنا بِها لَيلَ التِمامِ لِأَربَعٍ
فَجاءَت لِسِتٍّ قَد بَقينَ مِنَ الشَهرِ
25. She had barely reached land before her scout gave tidings
And she attained the colour of parched wood
٢٥. فَما بَلَغَت حَتّى اِطِّلاحِ خَفيرِها
وَحَتّى أَتَت لَونَ اللِحا مِنَ القِشرِ
26. Until the waves cloaked her sides
In a gown of green seaweed weave
٢٦. وَحَتّى عَلاها المَوجُ في جَنَباتِها
بِأَردِيَةٍ مِن نَسجِ طُحلُبِهِ خُضرِ
27. She frightened away their horrors from their eyes
So they spent the mysterious night haunted by ghosts
٢٧. رَمَت بِالكَرى أَهوالُها عَن عُيونِهِم
فَباتَت أَهاويلُ السُرى بِهِمُ تَسري
28. She heads for the place of longing where none can
Repel her when her feet tread the soils of travel
٢٨. تَوُمُّ مَحَلَّ الراغِبينَ وَحَيثُ لا
تُذادُ إِذا حَلَّت بِهِ أَرجُلُ السَفرِ
29. We rode the sea from the rear
Taking us from sea to sea after the sea
٢٩. رَكِبنا إِلَيهِ البَحرَ في مُؤخِراتِهِ
فَأَوفَت بِنا مِن بَعدِ بَحرٍ إِلى بَحرِ