1. A moonlit night on her branch
On a twig, on the curved end of a shepherd's staff
١. غَرّاءُ في فَرعِها لَيلٌ عَلى قَمَر
عَلى قَضيبٍ عَلى دَعصِ النَقا الدَهَسِ
2. Her breath purer than musk, her delight
More delicate than the softest silk
٢. أَزكى مِنَ المِسكِ أَنفاساً وَبَهجَتُها
أَرَقُّ ديباجَةً مِن رِقَّةِ النَفَسِ
3. As though my heart and her veil, whenever she sways
And her heart, her heart in the stillness and silence
٣. كَأَنَّ قَلبي وِشاحاها إِذا خَطَرَت
وَقَلبُها قُلبُها في الصَمتِ وَالخَرَسِ
4. Her love flows in her lover's heart
Like vigor flows in the limbs of one fallen
٤. تَجري مَحَبَّتُها في قَلبِ عاشِقِها
جَريَ السَلامَةِ في أَعضاءِ مُنتَكِسِ