
Your debts are not repaid, time is their creditor

ديونك لا يقضى الزمان غريمها

1. Your debts are not repaid, time is their creditor
And your stinginess is the stinginess of the wretched Sa'id

١. دُيونُكَ لا يُقضى الزَمانَ غَريمُها
وَبُخلُكَ بُخلُ الباهِليِّ سَعيدِ

2. Sa'id ibn Salam, most wretched of all people
And his people are not far from his vileness

٢. سَعيدُ بنُ سَلمٍ أَلأَمُ الناسِ كُلِّهِم
وَما قَومُهُ مِن لُؤمِهِ بِبَعيدِ

3. Increase comes to him but then an increase
Cut short the height of his glory through Yazid

٣. يَزيدُ لَهُ فَضلٌ وَلَكِنَّ مَزيَداً
تَدارَكَ أَقصى مَجدِهِ بِيَزيدِ

4. Khuzaymah, no harm in him except that
For his kitchen there is a lock and door of iron

٤. خُزَيمَةُ لا بَأسٌ بِهِ غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
لِمَطبَخِهِ قُفلٌ وَبابُ حَديدِ