
Why does he persist in keeping the tryst with maidens fair

سلاه لم استبقى وصال الكواعب

1. Why does he persist in keeping the tryst with maidens fair
When the first streaks of grey have crept into his hair?

١. سَلاهُ لِمَ اِستَبقى وِصالَ الكَواعِبِ
وَقَد دَبَّ رَيعُ الشَيبِ بَينَ الذَوائِبِ

2. A single grey hair in his head has appeared, as though
It were a calamity when grey hairs begin to spread there.

٢. بَدَت شَيبَةٌ في رَأسِهِ فَكَأَنَّما
بَدَت لِحُلولِ الشَيبِ إِحدى المَصائِبِ

3. Scarce had the greyness shone when for the grey reproach arose,
And joy for him in its advent had the revilers who slight him.

٣. وَما ريعَ حَتّى لاحَ لِلشَيبِ عارِضٌ
عَلَيهِ وَشامَتهُ أَكُفُّ الخَواضِبِ

4. Scarce had his smooth cheek failed him before there flashed
Into his eyes one of the glances that waver and excite.

٤. وَما عَدِمَ السُلوانَ حَتّى تَعَرَّضَت
لِعَينَيهِ إِحدى المُبرِقاتِ الخَوالِبِ

5. Let us clothe the vestiges of him with a parting gift from us,
And give news of a surrender, though no pact binds him.

٥. قِفا نُلبِس الأَطلالَ مِنّا نَجِيَّةً
وَنُؤذِن بِتَسليمٍ وَإِن لَم نُجاوِبِ

6. When the travellers break camp there pelts them with stones
Umm al-Najm wa al-Subab from her place of pride.

٦. إِذا عَرَّسَ الرُكبانُ غِبَّ سُراهُمُ
رَمَتنا بِها أُمُّ النَجا وَالسَباسِبِ

7. A tryst was the time of clarity, but from that madness of ours
A purpose turned aside not to be won over.

٧. هَوىً كانَ ميعادَ الصَفاءِ تَقاذَفَت
بِهِ عَن هَوانا نِيَّةٌ لَم تُقارِبِ

8. A youth in whose hands for wealth there remains an opening known
To aspirations from every side.

٨. فَتىً في يَدَيهِ لِلثَراءِ بَقِيَّةٌ
تَعَرَّفُها الآمالُ عَن كُلِّ جانِبِ