
His body is white and round

وأبيض أما جسمه فمدور

1. His body is white and round,
Pure, and his head so proud,

١. وَأَبيَضَ أَمّا جِسمُهُ فَمُدَوَّرٌ
نَقِيٌّ وَأَمّا رَأسُهُ فَمُعارُ

2. Bought not but as ornament,
To settle in the center's tent.

٢. وَما يُشتَرى إِلّا لِتَسكُنَ وَسطَهُ
بَديعَةُ رَأسٍ ما عَلَيهِ خِمارُ

3. Four sisters has he got, all same,
But she's the youngest of the dame.

٣. لَها أَخَواتٌ أَربَعٌ هُنَّ مِثلُها
وَلَكِنَّها الصُغرى وَهُنَّ كِبارُ

4. No benefit there is, but lines on his head,
After that, beauty and glory instead.

٤. وَما فيهِ مِن نَفعٍ سِوى خَطِّ رَأسِهِ
وَبَعدُ فَفيهِ زينَةٌ وَوَقارُ