1. Longing led the insomniac's night astray
And a glance burdened his eyes with wakefulness
١. أَغرى بِهِ الشَوقُ لَيلَ الساهِرِ الرَمِدِ
وَنَظرَةٌ وَكَّلَت عَينَيهِ بِالسُهُدِ
2. Is it sorrow departing from him
Lingering in his breast with illness and stillness?
٢. أَمُنقَضٍ عَنهُ حُزنٌ ما يُفارِقُهُ
أَقامَ بَينَ الحَشى بِالسُقمِ وَالكَمَدِ
3. Or does he not forget days gone by for him
That flowed upon him with pleasures but did not return?
٣. أَم لَيسَ ناسِيَ أَيّامٍ لَهُ سَلَفَت
جَرَت عَلَيهِ بِلَذّاتٍ فَلَم تَعُدِ
4. He spent the night weeping until, when the darkness waned
And dawn lit up like kindling, he rose
٤. أَحيا البُكا لَيلَهُ حَتّى إِذا تَلِفَت
نَفسُ الدُجى وَاِستَنارَ الصُبحُ كَالوَقَدِ
5. Wandering, so its phantoms accompanied him
Embodying a spirit for his body
٥. غادى الشَمولَ فَعاطَتهُ سَمادِرُها
طَيفاً بِهِ أَلَّفَت روحاً إِلى جَسَدِ
6. As if they were the fangs of water killing him
An agate laughing in a cool cheek
٦. كَأَنَّها وَسِنانُ الماءِ يَقتُلُها
عَقيقَةٌ ضَحِكَت في عارِضٍ بَرِدِ
7. Until when comfort stood up from him did its visitation cease
The winds of fate blew and the sorrow of eternity remained
٧. حَتّى إِذا الراحُ قامَت عَنهُ فَترَتُها
ريعَ الكَرى وَأَقامَت حَسرَةُ الخَلَدِ
8. The succession of events almost consoles him
Were it not for remnants of his stilled heart's impulses
٨. يَكادُ يُسليهِ مَرُّ الحادِثاتِ بِهِ
لَولا بَقايا دَواعي قَلبِهِ الكَمِدِ
9. Had time doubly increased he would regain his verdure
And seek the friendship of maidens once more
٩. لَو ساعَفَ الدَهرُ لَاِرتَدَّت غَضارَتُهُ
وَلَاِستَرَدَّ مَوَدّاتِ المَها الخُرُدِ
10. What did the estrangement of society seem to be to him
The next morning whether he praises or blames the past?
١٠. ماذا تَراءى لَهُ نَأيُ الخَليطِ بِهِ
غَداةَ يَحمَدُ لَمّا أَو يَذُمُّ قَدِ
11. God bless the girls whose coyness spared him
Until they caused him - thirsty - to gain no want
١١. لِلَّهِ دَرُّ اللَواتي عِفنَ مَكرَعَهُ
حَتّى صَدَرنَ بِهِ ظَمآنَ لَم يَرِدِ
12. He feared eyes and his resolve drew him
To refusal to wander free
١٢. خافَ العُيونَ وَضَمَّتهُ عَزيمَتُهُ
إِلى اِمتِناعٍ عَلى جَولانَ مُطَّرِدِ
13. And they departed - the eye coping with farewell -
Its person pouring tears on the trail
١٣. وَرُحنَ وَالعَينُ لِلتَّوديعِ واكِفَةٌ
إِنسانُها مِن مَسيلِ الدَمعِ في صُعُدِ
14. By God, I will make up for the wasted passions
And the habit of generosity in my nomadic verses
١٤. بِاللَهِ أُخلِفُ ما أَتلَفتُ مِن نَشبٍ
وَعادَةُ الجودِ في أَبياتِيَ الشُرُدِ
15. He desires the unkempt one whom hope has given success
And a knot of expectation guaranteeing the covenant
١٥. تَهوى بِأَشعَثَ أَعطاهُ المُنى أَمَلٌ
وَعُقدَةٌ مِن رَجاءٍ ضامِنِ العُقَدِ
16. So his ambition deposited him in the bellies of the desert
And the journeys left him among the haircloth and the leather skins
١٦. فَاِستَودَعَتهُ بُطونَ البيدِ هِمَّتُهُ
وَأَودَعَتهُ السُرى في الوَعثِ وَالجَدَدِ
17. Until, when darkness grasped its expanse
And the goal of his journey was appointed without end
١٧. حَتّى إِذا قَبَضَ الإِدلاجُ بَسطَتَها
وَوُقِّفَت مِن مُنى الساري عَلى أَمَدِ
18. After the burden, two barren months gave birth to him
That were neither pitched nor brought forth
١٨. تَمَخَّضَت عَنهُ تِمّاً بَعدَ مَحمَلِهِ
شَهرَينِ بَيداءُ لَم تُضرَب وَلَم تَلِدِ
19. It cast him like a blade attached to resolves
That sought resting places, the best of supports
١٩. أَلقَتهُ كَالنَصلِ مَعطوفاً عَلى هِمَمٍ
يَعمَدنَ مُنتَجِعاتٍ خَيرَ مُعتَمِدِ
20. Its custom woke his sleep from him and shared him
With the new moons and the festivals, happy events
٢٠. تَخَطَّأَت نَومَهُ عَنهُ وَشايَعَهُ
دَأبُ الجَديدَينِ وَالعيدِيَّةِ الوُخُدِ
21. Far be it that the seeker of prestige should fail
By the bliss before you, though without you he would not find
٢١. حاشى لِطالِبِ عُرفٍ أَن يَخيبَ عَلى
نَدى يَدَيكَ وَلَو حاشاكَ لَم يَجِدِ
22. The hopes of one hopeful in you are confident
That he will not be disappointed in them until the end of time
٢٢. ظُنونُ راجي الَّذي يَرجوكَ واثِقَةٌ
أَلّا يُخَيَّبَ فيها آخِرَ الأَبَدِ
23. Your gifts come varied, not just one,
To those who expect them, even if distant
٢٣. تَأتى عَطاياهُ شَتّى غَيرَ واحِدَةٍ
مُؤَمِّليهِ وَإِن كانوا عَلى بَعدِ
24. Like the torrent they come after a tenth
To him its bells with foam and turbidness
٢٤. كَحَملَةِ السَيلِ تَأتي بَعدَ عاشِرَةٍ
لَهُ قَراقيرُ بِالآذِيِّ وَالزَبَدِ
25. Custom does not prevent insistence from its seeker
Nor bring him near, courteous, slowly
٢٥. لا يَمنَعُ العُرفُ مِن إِلحاحِ طالِبِهِ
وَلا يُقَرِّبُ مِنهُ رِفقُ مُتَّئِدِ
26. He acts generously, protecting and patronizing him
As if he were a father affectionate to his son
٢٦. يَبِرُّ بِالجودِ يَحميهِ وَيَكلَؤُهُ
كَأَنَّهُ والِدٌ يَحنو عَلى وَلَدِ
27. He enriched the friend so they lived comfortably through him
And the palm of his generosity extracted the spite of the envious
٢٧. أَغنى الصَديقَ فَعاشوا مِنهُ في رَغَدٍ
وَاِستَلَّ جودُ يَدَيهِ غِلَّ ذي الحَسَدِ
28. He who piles up food for the guests, they have no
Virtue but from one of reason and without zeal
٢٨. مُعَقِّرُ الكُومِ لِلأَضيافِ لَيسَ لَها
إِلّا المَكارِمَ مِن ذي عَقلٍ وَلا قَوَدِ
29. Misfortunes come and undo his works
And nothing polluted in them dirties the palm of the critic
٢٩. تَأتي البُدورُ فَتُفنيها صَنائِعُهُ
وَما يُدَنَّسُ فيها كَفُّ مُنتَقِدِ
30. He does not know money except when asked
Or the day he collects it for pillage and squandering
٣٠. لا يَعرِفُ المالَ إِلّا عِندَ سائِلِهِ
أَو يَومَ يَجمَعُهُ لِلنَهبِ وَالبَدَدِ