
Since the day they called to depart in their footsteps

شخصت مذ يوم نادوا بالرحيل على

1. Since the day they called to depart in their footsteps
Then I did not glance at anyone

١. شَخَصتُ مُذ يَومَ نادَوا بِالرَحيلِ عَلى
آثارِهِم ثُمَّ لَم أَطرَف إِلى أَحَدِ

2. I turned my eyes away from people, not seeing goodness
In people, until you see them on the last day

٢. أَغضَت عَنِ الناسِ عَيني ما تَرى حَسَناً
في الناسِ حَتّى تَراهُم آخِرَ الأَبَدِ

3. Yearning tore my breaths and cut them
A love in my guts and liver

٣. تَقَسَّمَ الشَوقُ أَنفاسي فَقَطَّعَها
حُبٌّ بِنَفسِيَ في الأَحشاءِ وَالكَبدِ

4. When separation from myself grew ill and sickened me
Farewell came with news of the loss of patience and composure

٤. لَمّا اِستَبى البَينُ مِن نَفسي وَأَمرَضَها
جاءَ الوَداعُ بِنَعيِ الصَبرِ وَالجَلَدِ

5. You robbed my soul and dwelt love in my body
So it took the place of the soul in the body

٥. سَلَبتِ روحي وَأَسكَنتِ الهَوى بَدَني
فَصارَ فيهِ مَكانَ الروحِ في الجَسَدِ